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pain point中文翻译,pain point是什么意思,pain point发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

pain point中文翻译,pain point是什么意思,pain point发音、用法及例句

pain point

pain point发音

英:[ˈpeɪn pɔɪnt]  美:[ˈpeɪn pɔɪnt]

英:  美:

pain point中文意思翻译



pain point双语使用场景

1、A renewed effort to address this customer pain point is essential.───重新努力解决这一点是必不可少的。

2、The point is the market research phase of Identifying the Customer Pain Point.───出发点是市场调研阶段,确定客户痛点.

3、The procedure described in this article helps you address this pain point.───本文描述的过程可以帮助您解决这个烦恼。

4、We're going to their pain point statement?───我们将他们的痛点陈述清楚了 吗 ?

5、This also enables debugging which has been a major pain point for installation creators.───它也支持调试,这个曾让安装创建者头痛的问题。

pain point相似词语短语

1、pinch point───夹点(饱和蒸气与冷却剂最小温差点)

2、price point───价格点

3、in point───adv.相关的;恰当的;中肯的

4、basing point───基点;交货基点


6、petit point───n.斜针绣

7、main point───主点,主穴;大纲

8、pin joint───关节接头;铰链接合;枢接

9、basis point───基点(等于0.01%)

结语:女上外应届毕业生,非去外企私企,说体制内挣得少,过来人能,这个问题短期属于职业发展的定位问题和职业价值观取向问题,长期属于职业发展收益问题。首先,我想举几个真实的例子。做外贸如何通过领英(LinkedIn)开发新的高精准客户呢,为了有效地使用LinkedIn,需要制作具有吸引力的创意消息,使自己脱颖而出,从而吸引潜在客户的注意力。可以尝试这七种创新策略来编写响应式的InMail。一句翻译:许多成功人士指出,要想成功,就必须先学会忍受失败,Many successful people point out that if you want to succeed, you have to learn to suffer the agony of failure. Many successful people point out that if you want to succeed, you have to learn to suffer the agony of failure.

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