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海浪英文(ocean waves中文翻译,ocean waves是什么意思,ocean waves发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

海浪英文(ocean waves中文翻译,ocean waves是什么意思,ocean waves发音、用法及例句)

1、ocean waves

ocean waves发音

英:  美:

ocean waves中文意思翻译




ocean waves双语使用场景

1、In the mountain the wind sings the single layer heavy like ocean waves is your vision.───山林里风歌唱一重重如海浪是你的目光.

2、When the ocean waves flush ashore cliff time.───当海浪冲上岸崖的时侯.

3、The erosive effect of ocean waves on the shoreline.───海浪对海岸线的侵蚀效果.

4、David finds the sound of ocean waves very serene.───戴维发现海浪的声音非常宁静。

5、In this realistic painting, the ocean waves look like they're actually moving!───在这张栩栩如生的画作中, 海浪看起来就像真的在浮动.

6、These ocean waves are among the earth's most complicated natural phenomena.───这些海浪属于地球上最复杂的自然现象.

7、The pounding of ocean waves against the coast gradually wears it away.───海浪一波波地拍打,逐渐侵蚀海岸.

8、As long as you have a seashell, you can always hear the roaring ocean waves!───只要有一枚贝壳在手, 你就能随时听见澎湃的海浪声!

9、Ocean waves are gradually eating away the coastal rocks.───海浪正在慢慢地侵蚀着岸边的岩石.

10、Ocean waves come in several varieties.───海洋波浪有几种类型.

11、Ocean waves are crashing — in your awareness.───海浪在碰撞——在你的意识里。

12、Infrasound from ocean waves observed in Tahiti.───在Tahiti观测到的海浪次声.

13、Although seascape US, but this stage actually frequently is facing the ocean waves impact.───海景虽美, 但这个舞台却时刻面临着海浪的冲击.

14、The ocean waves are slowly eating away the coastal rocks.───大海的波浪慢慢地侵蚀着岸边的岩石.

ocean waves相似词语短语

1、brain waves───脑电波

2、montan waxes───[化工]褐煤蜡(用于制作颜料、粘着剂和防水材料);蒙旦蜡

3、Japan waxes───日本蜡

4、beta waves───β-波;乙型波

5、ocean liners───远洋班轮;远洋定期客轮

6、heat waves───热浪;[物]热波

7、clean water───清洁(饮)水



1. 《Ocean Waves》:这可能是一首以海浪声为主要元素的音乐,配以海鸥的叫声,营造出宁静的海滨氛围。

2. 《Seaside Serenity》:标题中的“serenity”(宁静)暗示了这首音乐可能带有平静和安详的海边场景。

3. 《Coastal Dreams》:“Coastal”(沿海的)和“ Dreams”(梦想)的组合可能表示这是一首富有幻想和浪漫氛围的海边音乐。

4. 《Sea Breeze》:“Sea Breeze”(海风)通常与海边的轻松和舒适相联系。

5. 《Beach Vibes》:这个名称传达了海滩的氛围和感觉,可能包含海鸥海浪声以及轻松的节奏。



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