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combining with中文翻译,combining with是什么意思,combining with发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

combining with中文翻译,combining with是什么意思,combining with发音、用法及例句

1、combining with

combining with发音

英:  美:

combining with中文意思翻译



combining with双语使用场景

1、I consider that we should make our choices combining with our own concrete conditions.───我认为我们应该结合自己的具体情况而做出选择。

2、Combining with the clinical studies, ERS might be a novel therapeutic target in liver injury-related disease.───结合临床药物的作用机制,内质网应激可能成为治疗肝脏损伤相关疾病的新靶点。

3、Facing to the general trouble and blemish of the feeding system and combining with produce practice, we carried on structure improvement.───针对均匀给料系统经常易出现的故障和缺陷,结合生产实际,进行了结构改进。

4、Combining with job practice of his hospital, the author introduced the main methods to reinforce medical treatment quality control.───就如何把握基本要素,加强医疗质量管理,结合工作实际,介绍了做法和体会。

5、Antibodies perform their function by combining with the specific antigens that stimulated their production.───抗体通过与刺激其产生的特定抗原结合来执行其功能。

6、All the heat and light of a fire comes from big, carbon-based molecules combining with oxygen.───火中的光和热来自大分子量的碳氧分子。

7、By combining with its own experience, China has got the following views and proposals on further implementing the Convention.───结合自身经验,中方对进一步做好履约工作有以下看法和主张。

8、It is possible that the hydrogen is combining with carbon in molecules on Titan's surface to make methane.───氢正可能在和碳分子结合,制造出甲烷。

9、When they dissolve in seawater they are combining with it, in a simple chemical reaction, to produce carbonic acid.───当人们分解海水同时,透过简单的化学反应,人们也融入了二氧化碳于水中藉以生产碳酸。

combining with相似词语短语

1、combining weight───[化学]化合量

2、chiming with───与……相一致

3、combining weights───组合权重

4、combining forms───构词成分;组合语素(combiningform的复数)

5、combining form───构词成分;组合形式

6、combing out───仔细搜寻;裁减;挑选

7、colliding with───冲突

8、closing with───vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束

9、lumbering with───堆满无用之物

2、combined with amp;combining with有什么区别?

现看一下combine的用法,然后给你解释了这两个不同形式的区别:combine vt. 使联合[结合] 同时具有; 同时显示 使化合; 融合, 合作 He combines the flour with the margarine. 把面粉和人造黄油调和在一起。 拿上面的例子继续,要用 combined with ,就该写成:The flour is combined with the margrine.就是说X combine A with B的主语要是发出联合,使融合这个动作的一方X,用进行时态就是 X is combining A with B combined with就是 被联合,被融合的一方A作主语(with 后面那个) ,相当于一种被动语态不理解可以继续追问

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