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in the desk中文翻译,in the desk是什么意思,in the desk发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

in the desk中文翻译,in the desk是什么意思,in the desk发音、用法及例句

in the desk

in the desk发音

英:  美:

in the desk中文意思翻译



in the desk双语使用场景

1、The bag is in the desk.───书包在桌子里边.

2、I put my books in the desk and then ran to the music room.───我把书放进桌子里,然后向音乐室跑去.

3、She put her book in the desk.───她把书放进了书桌。

4、He was taken captive at her beauty, and he carved her name in the desk.───他被她的美貌俘虏, 把她的名字刻在桌上.

5、She rummaged in the desk drawers for her notebook.───她在书桌抽屉里翻找她的笔记本。

6、Is it in your bag in the desk?───是不是在桌子上你的包包里 呢 ?

7、She closed and locked the cupboard and replaced the key in the desk drawer.───她锁上书柜,把钥匙又放回抽屉里.

8、Aren't some stamps in the desk?───桌子里不是有些邮票 吗 ?

9、The bag in the desk is mine.───桌子里的书包是我的。

in the desk相似词语短语

1、in the dark───在黑暗中;不知道;秘密地

2、in the end───终于,最后

3、in the flesh───本人;亲自;以肉体形式

4、in the press───正在印刷;即将出版

5、in the mass───总体上,总的来说

6、in the least───一点;丝毫

7、hit the deck───起床;被打倒;准备行动

8、in the pink───非常健康;气色红润;精力充沛

9、in the book───记录在案的;为人所知的;登入电话簿的;按规定可以允许的

it's in a desk和it's in the 有什么区别desk


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