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when you are old中文翻译,when you are old是什么意思,when you are old发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

when you are old中文翻译,when you are old是什么意思,when you are old发音、用法及例句

when you are old

when you are old发音

英:  美:

when you are old中文意思翻译



when you are old双语使用场景

1、You need feel no care for the coming tomorrow: when you are old, you receive a pension.───你不必为明天担心:当你老了,你就能领到养老金了。

2、Perhaps a daughter is deemed to join another family on marriage and you want someone to care for you when you are old.───也许女儿注定要嫁入另一个家庭,而你希望年老时有人在身边照料。

3、When you are old and gray, and look back on your life, you will want to be proud of what you have done.───当你白发苍苍、垂垂老矣,回首人生时,你需要为自己做过的事感到自豪。

4、Lead a good and honest life. Like this, when you are old and remember the past, you will see how you can enjoy it all once again.───过一种美好而诚实的生活。这样,当你年老回忆起来的时候,你会发现你又一次从中得到了快乐。

5、Moreover, when you are old and gray and full of sleep, recall the scenes in your dream like the lions on the beach in Santiago's dreams.───更主要的是,但你渐渐老去,双鬓斑白,整天睡眼蒙蒙时,在梦里回想起那些经历过的场景就像圣地亚哥梦到沙滩上的狮子一样。

6、but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.───但年老的时候,你要伸出手来,别人要把你束上,带你到不愿意去的地方。

7、When you are old, you won't look back and remember how great it was to buy that new furniture or watch that great show on television.───当你老了的时候,你不会回过头来想你买了多么好的新家具或者看了多么精彩的电视节目。

8、When you are old and grey and full of sleep. And nodding by the fire, take down this book. And slow.───当你老了,灰色和完整的睡眠。在炉火旁打盹,取下这本书。和缓慢的。

9、You'd better learn a trade while you are young, so that you may not cheat for a living when you are old.───你最好趁年轻时学一点手艺,以便在年老时不靠行骗为生。

when you are old相似词语短语

1、with your bare hands───赤手空拳

2、kick you when you are down───当你倒下的时候踢你

3、there you are/go───你来了/走吧

4、on your tod───在你的tod上

5、where you left off───你停下来的地方

6、the knives are out───刀不见了

7、there you are───你就在那里(歌曲名)

8、between you and me───只限于咱俩之间;我们之间的秘密

9、the gloves are off───手套脱了

when you are Old意思是当你老了?

是当你老了的意思 但是when 和 are不是固定搭配 are是be动词,因为前面有you才加are的 如果是i的话 就是加is 了 when i am old

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