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computer game中文翻译,computer game是什么意思,computer game发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

computer game中文翻译,computer game是什么意思,computer game发音、用法及例句

computer game

computer game发音

英:  美:

computer game中文意思翻译



computer game双语使用场景

1、Edna: The movie was a computer game?───埃德娜: 那部**原先是一个电脑游戏?

2、Colin: Did you know that originally, it was a computer game?───科林: 你知不知道最初它是一个电脑游戏?

3、A toy store has marked down the Sonic Hedgehog computer game.───一家玩具店降低了电脑游戏《刺猬索尼克》的售价。

4、This is most certainly not a computer game.───可以确定这不是在玩计算机游戏.

5、My computer game has been deleted.───我的电脑游戏删除了。

6、Eat your dinner and then you can play your computer game.───吃完饭再打电脑游戏.

7、There, Celestica, a former IBM division, makes teleconferencing equipment and Xbox computer game consoles for Microsoft.───在这个商业开发示范区,曾经是IMB旗 下部门的天弘公司(Celestica)为微软制造电话会议设备和Xbox电脑游戏机.

8、We've never lusted after a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.───我们可从来不会贪恋电脑游戏里的的某个卡通角色或英雄主角.

9、Then I expatiated the main frame of the computer game and the principle and method.───然后,阐述了人机博弈程序的主要框架及实现的原理、方法.

10、Do you think playing computer game is just wasting your time?───你认为玩电脑游戏是在浪费时间 吗 ?

11、Where's my computer game? It's under the bed.───我的电脑游戏(机)在 哪 ?它在床底下.

12、We've never a cartoon character or the central figure a computer game.───我们从来不贪恋在卡通人物或电脑游戏的焦点人物.

13、Which level are you at in the computer game?───你目前在电脑游戏中处于哪一级别?

14、Yes. Can I play with your computer game?───可以.我能玩你的电脑游戏 吗 ?

15、Can you bring computer game to the school?───你能把你的电子游戏机带来学校 吗 ?

16、It's not a toy, Miss. It's a computer game.───这不是玩具, 小姐. 是电子游戏机.

17、Who owns the rights to your computer game?───你们电脑游戏的版权由谁管.

18、The student is playing computer game.───这个学生在打电脑游戏。

19、Can be achieved and the computer game, a certain degree of artificial intelligence computer.───一个五子棋游戏的源码.可以实现人和计算机的对弈, 计算机有一定的人工智能.

20、What's more, I am to surf the Internet or play computer game after busy studying.───而且, 我将在忙碌的学习之后漫游网上世界,并且玩些网络游戏.

21、The experiment's subjects were 166 UCL students who played at being shoppers in a computer game.───实验的研究对象则是来自英国伦敦大学学院的166名学生,他们被安排在电脑游戏中充当“购物者”.

22、Examples include The Postman and the Mad Max series, and the computer game series Fallout.───《未来邮差》,《冲锋飞车队》系列和电脑游戏《辐射》系列都属于这一类.

23、It's a new computer game.───这是一款新的电脑游戏。

24、During this section of computer game game, has included the Taiwan each big yard popular locomotive.───在这款电玩游戏之中, 收录了台湾各大车厂的热门机车.

25、Lingling: Let's give him a computer game.───玲玲: 我们送给他电脑游戏.

26、Another computer game shows three clowns on a computer screen.───另一个电脑游戏在电脑屏幕上显示3个小丑.

27、After lunch, I usually open computer game or is checked material.───午饭后, 我一般会打开电脑玩游戏或者是查资料.

28、I will not always play computer game, watch TV any more.───我将来不再经常玩电脑游戏和看电视.

29、No, this isn't an ad for another virtual reality computer game.───不, 这不是另一个虚拟现实电脑游戏的广告.

30、When I play a computer game, I act as one of the heroes in the game.───当我玩电子游戏时, 我常在游戏中扮演一个英雄的角色.

31、He missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game.───他沉迷在电脑游戏当中而没有听见钟声.

32、My favourite toy is a computer game.───我最喜欢的玩具是电脑游戏机.

33、He closed the computer game and opened his maths homework.───他关上电子游戏,打开数学作业.

computer game相似词语短语

1、computer model───计算机模型

2、computer age───计算机时代

3、computer crimes───计算机犯罪


5、computer crime───计算机犯罪

6、computer games───电脑游戏(computergame的复数形式)

7、computer ages───计算机时代


电脑游戏(computer game),是传统游戏形式的一种。随着个人电脑产生而出现的一种由个人电脑程序控制的、以益智或娱乐为目的的游戏。



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