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wellcome(well come中文翻译,well come是什么意思,well come发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

wellcome(well come中文翻译,well come是什么意思,well come发音、用法及例句)

well come

well come发音

英:  美:

well come中文意思翻译



well come双语使用场景

1、Well, come here. Look, Mr. Brown asked me to deal with these files. But I can't understand these words.───嗯,到这儿来。看,布朗先生让我处理这些文件,可是我不理解这些词的意思。

2、When I'm at events and people I don't know well come up to say hello, I often struggle to remember who they are.───无论何时遇到不怎么认识的人上来跟我打招呼,我都会脑子短路,拼命去想他是谁。

3、The official contact with you may well come all of a sudden, and be accompanied by an organised showing of our craft.───与你们的官方接触很可能会出乎意料地到来,并且伴随着一个我们的飞船的有组织的展示。

4、An incoming document may well come before each of them in turn.───一份新到的文件可能要依次在每个人那儿都走一遍。

5、He felt that the time was up. An explanation might as well come now as later. Therefore, he shook his head in the most gentle negative.───他觉得是时候了。迟早都要解释,现在就解释也一样。因此,他极其温柔地摇摇头表示否定。

6、When was this? You may as well come out with it.───这事是何时发生的?你索性全讲了吧!

7、It is. Well, come take a look over here. We try to make it as fun as possible. To get students involved. We paly games. We teach you. . .───的确。过来看看这儿。我们尽可能使它有趣。把学生们调动起来,我们玩游戏,我们教你…

8、I'd like to think well come back very soon.───我想最好能很快回去。

9、And sadly, it may well come to that.───很可惜,这可能就是我们将要面对的未来。

well come相似词语短语

1、bell cow───领袖


3、bell cows───领袖



6、call comes───电话来了

7、well timed───适时的

8、well done───做得好;全熟




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