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go broke中文翻译,go broke是什么意思,go broke发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

go broke中文翻译,go broke是什么意思,go broke发音、用法及例句

go broke

go broke发音

英:  美:

go broke中文意思翻译



go broke双语使用场景

1、Some companies will go broke and their bonds will default.───有些公司会破产,它们的债券也会违约.

2、The overwhelming majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months.───绝大多数的小公司在最初的24个月里破产。

3、The majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months.───大多数小企业在开张后的24个月内就倒闭了。

4、If you want to see a man go broke , easy, give him a DSLR camera.───看吧, 平时就是一碗干饭, 再给兑点白开水.

5、However, it may happen if we go broke.───然而,如果我们破产的话,这可能会发生的。

6、Some people will go broke trying.───有一些人不去尝试。

7、This time, no more; otherwise my company will go broke.───这回不能再多了; 不然我的公司要破产了.

8、The overwhelming majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months.───绝大多数小企业在头两年内就破产了。

9、Anybody can go broke.───任何人都有可能垮掉.

10、A short seller will go broke long before the value ship comes in.───早在价值实现之前,卖空者就会破产.

11、If you want to see a go broke , easy , give him a camera.───看吧, 平时就是一碗干饭, 再给对点白开水.

go broke相似词语短语

1、to bronze───青铜色

2、go before───居先;走在前面

3、go blooey───失灵

4、to proke───证明

5、to go broke───破产

6、to roke───这双手

7、go for broke───全力以赴,孤注一掷

8、to boke───两本书

9、to broker───经纪人



英 [brəʊk]

美 [brok]

v. 打破,断掉(break的过去式)

adj. 一文不名的,破产的

n. (Broke)人名;(英)布罗克

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