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fire station中文翻译,fire station是什么意思,fire station发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

fire station中文翻译,fire station是什么意思,fire station发音、用法及例句

1、fire station

fire station发音

英:  美:

fire station中文意思翻译



fire station双语使用场景

1、He panicked and ran five blocks to the local fire station.───他惊慌失措,跑了五个路口到当地的消防队.

2、Gary worries at the fire station.───05加里在消防站干着急.

3、The new fire station is big.───新消防站很大.

4、It's on the tenth street. It's between the park and the fire station.───它在第十大街,在公园和消防站之间。

5、The Sham Tseng Fire Station was also under construction and scheduled for completion in 1998.───深井消防局也在兴建中,预计于一九九八年落成.

6、Contact garrison in Lhasa, Lhasa People's Armed Police Detachment , fire station, the Intermediate People's Court, Procuratorate.───联系拉萨警备区、武警拉萨支队、公安消防支队 、 中级人民法院 、 检察院.

7、I hurriedly returned home and phoned fire station.───我赶紧回家给消防队打电话.

8、Hong Kong Cheung Chau Fire Station Logistic Support Vehicle . This vehicle is being an ambulance.───香港长洲消防局后勤支援车出动, 此车正于长洲担当救护车角色前往现场.

9、Other facilities are available on the nearby islands, including shopping malls, fire station and clinics.───其他公共设施设于另外两个小岛上, 分别有商场 、 消防局及诊所.

10、The ambulances were detailed to the fire station.───这辆救护车被派遣到了消防队.

11、We see a fire truck in fire station!───我们看到一辆消防车在消防局里.

12、A group of children is passing the fire station to learn about fighting fires.───一群孩子正在经过消防局学习对抗火灾.

13、We see a fire truck in the fire station!───我们看见了消防局的消防车.

14、They are visiting the fire station now.───他们现在正参观消防站.

15、where is the fire station? Is there a video store?───消防站在哪里?有音像店吗?

16、The study can offer basic theory for the performance – based design and construction of fire station.───该模型为消防站的性能化设计提供了一个依据,同时也为城镇消防站规划提供一点理论参考.

17、The fire station is next to station.───消防局在警察局隔壁.

18、As part of our English course, we visited the fire station.───作为英语课的教学内容, 我们参观了消防站.

19、With him staying away from work , Beatty, the Captain of his fire station , visits Guy.───当盖抛下工作的时候, 他的救火站队长比提拜访了他.

20、where is the fire station?───消防站在哪里?

21、And at the fire station, idling trucks expose firefighters to diesel exhaust.───而在消防站, 空档运转的卡车也会使消防员暴露在柴油机所产生的废气中.

22、He can come down to the fire station, eat with us, goon all the fire calls!───他可以来消防站, 和我们一起用餐, 去应付所有的火警!

fire station相似词语短语

1、air station───n.飞机场;航空站

2、flag station───旗站

3、fire stations───消防站

4、ice station───冰站

5、aid station───前线救护站;战地救护站

6、base station───[测]基站;基电台

7、dire situation───严峻的形势


fire station 消防站 fire station [英][ˈfaiə ˈsteiʃən][美][faɪr ˈsteʃən] n.消防局; 复数:fire stations 例句:

1. And at the fire station, idling trucks expose firefighters to diesel exhaust. 而在消防站,空载卡车又将火警人员暴露在柴油废气中。

2. His own description of the new york fed \"the fire station of the financial system\"encapsulates the difficulty. 他自己将纽约联邦储备银行描述为“金融体系中的消防局”这概括出了该行的工作难度。

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