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never again什么意思(never again中文翻译,never again是什么意思,never again发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

never again什么意思(never again中文翻译,never again是什么意思,never again发音、用法及例句)

never again

never again发音

英:  美:

never again中文意思翻译




never again双语使用场景

1、she listen to the promptings of her heart.───她再也不会冲动行事了。

2、They all resolved that never again would they fight one another.───他们都下决心永远不再互相争斗了.

3、Set the bird's wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky.───鸟翼上系上了黄金,这鸟便永不能再在天上翱翔了.

4、No, she would never again be afraid of anything except poverty.───不,除了挨饿, 她什么也不怕!

5、Scientists never again regarded the world as they had before.───科学家们不再用过去的目光来认识世界了.

6、Never again did he intend her to have a recurrence of fear of the dark.───从此他再见也不想让她在黑暗中受惊那样的事重新发生了.

7、Never again pull a stunt like riding a bicycle no hands.───绝对不要玩命,表演像放手骑单车的特技.

8、Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst.───他们不再饥, 不再渴.

9、He will never again be allowed inside a boxing ring.───他将再也不会被允许进入拳击场了。

10、It would never again be possible for them to lead normal lives.───他们再也无法过正常的生活.

11、No, I had had my warning; never again did I think of disobedience.───不,我已经受到了警告;我再也不敢想违抗命令了。

12、Never again would she start in fear at the sound of hooves.───从此她再也用不着一听见马蹄声就吓一跳了.

13、The scourge of racial tyranny should never again be allowed to raise its ugly head.───永远不能让种族主义暴政的祸患重新抬头。

14、There would never again a love as she had felt for Alex.───永远也不人再有她对爱丽克斯所拥有的那种爱了.

15、You will never again distrust the word of God and his helpers.───你将永不会怀疑父的诺言,以及父的助手们.

16、After their quarrel, Jim and Mary found that their relationship had gone off the boil, and they were never again as loving as they had been.───吵架过后, 吉姆和玛丽发现,他们之间的关系已经冷了下来, 再也不会像以前那么相亲相爱了.

17、He will never again be allowed inside a British boxing ring.───他被永久禁止踏入英国拳击赛场。

18、" There will never again be men like them,'said Carreen softly.───" 再也不会有他们那样的人了, "卡琳低声说.

never again相似词语短语

1、all over again───再一次,重新

2、come again───回来;重新赶上去;回去

3、never mind───没有关系,不要记在心上

4、never fear───不要怕;别担心

5、ever and again───时而;不时地

6、over against───在…对面;正对着;与…相反;与…形成对照

7、never a one───没有一个人,没有一个

8、lever action───[力]杠杆作用

9、over again───再一次

请教英语高手 She'd never again belive anything in trousers 怎么翻译 由其是裤子那个词


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