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credit card number中文翻译,credit card number是什么意思,credit card number发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

credit card number中文翻译,credit card number是什么意思,credit card number发音、用法及例句

credit card number

credit card number发音

英:  美:

credit card number中文意思翻译



credit card number双语使用场景

1、Please give me your full name and the credit card number.───请告诉我您的全名和信用卡号码.

2、Could I have your credit card number, please ?───可以给我您的信用卡号码 吗 ?

3、Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.───请不要在即时通信对话中透露您的密码和信用卡帐号?

4、Can I have your credit card number followed by the expiration date?───能告诉我你的信用卡号码和它的到期日 吗 ?

5、Punch your credit card number into the keypad.───在小键盘上输入你的信用卡号。

6、Her dad helped her fill in the form and typed in his credit card number.───她爸爸帮她填写表格,然后打进他的信用卡号码.

7、Then we had to plod through my providing a credit card number, e - mail address and directions.───然后我们不得不费劲地弄完手续,提供我的信用卡卡号 、 电子邮箱 地址,我还给他指了到我家的路该怎么走.

8、Figure 12 shows how the value of a credit card number flows through the application.───图12展示一个信用卡号的值如何流经应用程序。

9、I'll just need your credit card number ,and I'll take care of the rest.───我需要你的信用卡号,然后,我们会妥善的做好记录

10、May I take your credit card number or Guarantee letter for the guarantee?───请提供您的信用卡号码或担保信给我做为担保.

11、Please provide full credit card number and expiry date to secure the booking.───请填写信用卡编号及有效期以保障预订安排.

12、Predict a credit card number.───预测信用卡号码.

13、credit card number wrong or clicked the wrong link or mistyped a URL.───敲错了信用卡号或点击错了链接,又或者是敲错了网址。

credit card number相似词语短语

1、credit card guarantees───信用卡担保

2、record number───记录号,[计]记录编号

3、credit card terminal───信用卡终端

4、credit card insurance───信用卡保险

5、credit card details───信用卡详细信息

6、credit card bill───信用卡账单

7、credit card debt───信用卡债务

8、credit card guarantee───信用卡担保

9、credit card terminals───信用卡终端


1-4位 银行卡号的固定数字 不变5-8位 开卡行的地区代码7-16位 卡的顺序 最后一位是随机的 编码是从最后第二位开始的

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