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headmaster(head master中文翻译,head master是什么意思,head master发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

headmaster(head master中文翻译,head master是什么意思,head master发音、用法及例句)

1、head master

head master发音

英:  美:

head master中文意思翻译



head master双语使用场景

1、The head master told them to go skating on the thin ice.───校长告诫他们不要在薄冰上溜冰.

2、Her boyfriend is the head master of Jinhua high school.───她的男朋友是金华中学的校长。

3、The Head Master means to punish Nancy, but her mother is trying to beg her off.───校长打算处罚南希, 可是她母亲想方设法为她求情.

4、When the head master is away, the deputy head master is responsible for our school.───校长不在的时候, 由副校长来负责学校事务.

5、was the commencement day and the head master would talk in a lofty strain.───是开学典礼,是校长高谈阔论的日子。

6、When the head master is away, the deputy head master looks after the school for him.───校长不在时副校长为他照顾学校.

7、Our head master has good know ledges of history.───我们的校长有丰富的历史知识.

8、OK, i'll tell you what. It's i who wrote the anonymous letter to the head master.───好, 我告诉你怎么回事, 给校长的那封匿名信是我写的.

9、Please address your letter to the head - master's office.───请在信上写好地址寄给该校校长室.

10、What did Martin go before the head - master for?───马丁为什么到校长那儿去?

11、Even head master wont put up with bad behaviour in class.───即使校长也不会容忍这种课堂上差劲的行为.

12、Here is our head master to lead in the scientific arrangement of the school.───现在由我们校长向大家介绍学校的科学管理情况.

13、E . g . Present at the meeting were the head master and some teachers.───校长和一些老师也出席了会议.

14、Even the head master wont put up with bad behaviour in class.───即使校长也不会容忍这种课堂上差劲的行为。

head master相似词语短语

1、bad mester───浴室主人


3、chess master───国际象棋大师

4、dead matter───无机物质,[印刷]待拆活字版

5、grand master───象棋大师

6、head waiters───饭店领班



9、head waiter───饭店领班


凡临床所见筋脉拘急,肘臂伸缩不定的症状,统称为抽搐。多见于痉证、痫证、破伤风、惊风。 抽搐是由多种病因作用于筋脉而产生的,如气血亏损、火热炽盛、风、痰、虚火、瘀血等引起筋脉拘急,皆可出现。 「常见证候」 风邪闭络: 四肢抽搐,发热恶寒,项背强急,筋脉拘急,肢体窜痛或疼痛,苔白腻或微黄,脉弦紧或数。多见于破伤风。 风痰上壅:四肢抽搐,突然头痛,眩晕,昏仆倒地,不省高下,两目上视,神识不清,口吐涎沫,或口作六畜叫声,四肢先强直痉挛,继之屈伸阵挛,牙关紧闭,口唇青紫,二便失禁,移时苏醒,时发时止,发作后一如常人,舌苔白腻,脉弦滑。多见于痫证。 痰火动风:卒暴僵仆,神识不清,四肢抽搐,牙关紧急,喉有痰鸣,面红气促,两手握固,舌红胀大,苔黄腻,脉弦滑而数。 肝阳化风:四肢抽搐,面红目赤,常有头痛、眩晕、烦躁、易怒,麻木、突然昏厥、口眼牵动,或有神识不清、半身不遂、舌质红、苔黄、脉弦数有力。 血虚生风:手足缓缓抽动,筋惕肉润,面色苍白或萎黄,麻木筋急,口唇指甲色淡,有时腕屈,手指伸直并拢呈鸡爪状,舌淡,脉细或弦细。 瘀血阻络的抽搐:多在跌扑损伤后发生,先由肢体或颜面部抽搐,迅速延及全身抽搐。舌有瘀斑或舌质隐青,脉弦或涩。

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