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grand slam中文翻译,grand slam是什么意思,grand slam发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

grand slam中文翻译,grand slam是什么意思,grand slam发音、用法及例句

grand slam

grand slam发音

英:  美:

grand slam中文意思翻译



grand slam双语使用场景

1、Have you given any consideration to playing doubles in a Grand Slam?───你考虑过在大满贯中打双打 吗 ?

2、PGA Grand Slam of Golf is limited to winners of the four majors.───职业高尔夫球协会大满贯赛仅限于四大赛事的冠军参加.

3、Defeat your opponent game, set and match to a Grand Slam Champ!───击败你的对手游戏, 努力成为比赛的冠军!

4、The victory was Serena's sixth over her sister in nine grand slam final meetings.───凭借此场胜利,塞雷娜在同姐姐的九次大满贯决赛对决中取得了六胜三负的战绩.

5、His first book was a grand slam for the publishing company.───(对出版公司而言,他的第一本书是一大成功. )

6、Mark: And my ultimate goal is to win the Grand slam.───马克: 然后我的目标是拿下大满贯.

7、James Bond: Operation Grand Slam, for instance.───詹姆斯·邦德: 比如说大满贯行动.

8、I've failed this time, but i am determined to realize the grand slam.───这次我没能完胜, 但我有信心卷土重来!

9、I like her into the top five and win the Grand Slam champion.───我看好她打进前五名并赢得大满贯冠军.

10、Jeff: What is the grand slam?───杰夫: 什么叫大满贯?

11、His record 14 Grand Slam titles?───是他的14次锦标赛大满贯?

12、A grand slam in one's life may create jealousy among friends and associates.───一个人的成就,可能引起朋友的忌妒.

13、It was her first Grand Slam championship since 2001.───今年7月份,她又赢得了她的第3个温网桂冠.

14、Sampras was 31 when he won his last Grand Slam, the 2003 U.───桑普拉斯夺得最后一个大满贯, 2003年美网,31岁.

15、J : As far as I know, there are Grand Slam Cup and Hall of Fame Championships.───据我所知, 有大满贯杯赛和网球名人锦标赛.

16、Hitoshi hit a grand slam in the tournament.───任志在(棒球)联赛中打出了本垒打.

17、To win always a Grand Slam is always great.───能赢得一个大满贯总是非常棒的.

18、The memorable grand slam in the 9 th inning at Yankee Stadium became a legend.───9局结束之前打出全垒打的这场比赛在洋基球场成为了传奇.

19、They won the Grand Slam in 1990.───他们1990年赢得了大满贯。

20、Czech teen Vaidisova is looking for her first Grand Slam title.───捷克小将瓦娃在期待她的第一个大满贯.

21、Agassi has pulled out of next week's Grand Slam Cup after tearing a cartilage in his chest.───阿加西胸部软骨拉伤后已退出了下周的大满贯赛事。

22、Graf concluded her Grand Slam tennis season by winning Olympic gold.───格拉芙以一枚奥运金牌结束了自己大满贯的网球赛季.

23、They won the grand slam in 1990.───他们在1990年赢得了大满贯。

24、I think that happens every Grand Slam or every other Grand Slam now.───我觉得这可能会发生在每个大满贯中.

25、To win your second Grand Slam title, it's kind of like the cherry on the cake.───要赢得你的第二个大满贯头衔, 简直就像是蛋糕上的樱桃(一样很明显).

26、He lost in the first round of the Grand Slam Cup in Munich.───在慕尼黑的大满贯杯比赛中,他在第一轮就败下阵来了.

27、Maybe it's nice to go into a Grand Slam for a change maybe not having No.───现在他在所有的场地上都打得非常好.

28、The French Open champion who has her name engraved on a Grand Slam trophy earns much attention from the world's media.───将名字刻在大满贯奖杯上,这位法国网球公开赛冠军将成为备受世界媒体关注的人物。

29、It's my first Grand Slam and I was hoping to make a good impression.───那是我首次参加大奖赛,我当时希望能表现出色.

30、Winner of nine Grand Slam titles, Seles also won a bronze medal at the 2000 Olympics.───塞莱斯是9次大满贯的得主, 她还在2000年奥运会上赢得了一枚铜牌.

31、Reggie Jackson hit a grand slam.───雷济?杰克森打了个满垒全垒打.

32、The main tournament is the annual Wimbledon fortnight, one of the 4 tennis " Grand Slam " tournaments.───主要比赛是一年一度的温布尔登两周赛, 这是四大 满贯 网球锦标赛之一.

grand slam相似词语短语

1、grand plan───宏大的计划


3、grant asylum───给予保护

4、grand mal───[内科]癫痫大发作

5、Grand Slam───大满贯;满垒时的全垒打


7、grand dame───大夫人

8、granted asylum───给予保护

9、grand slams───大满贯;满垒时的全垒打



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