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on the time中文翻译,on the time是什么意思,on the time发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

on the time中文翻译,on the time是什么意思,on the time发音、用法及例句

on the time

on the time发音

英:  美:

on the time中文意思翻译



on the time双语使用场景

1、But other studies have found that alcohol had little effect on the time it took women to conceive.───但有其他研究发现,酒精对妇女受孕所花的时间几乎没有影响。

2、Or perhaps one of your investments fall in value, and you dwell on the time when you could've sold it while in the money.───或者,你的某支股票不断贬值,你就会不断回想那个你能脱手赚到钱的时机。

3、They have agreed on the time and place.───他们已经说定了时间和地点。

4、Even simple rate plans where the price of electricity depends on the time of day have had to be abandoned after customer protests.───甚至简单的电费收取计划(即按照用电时间来收取电费)也在消费者的抗议之后不得不放弃。

5、Realize that your best will be different depending on the time of the day, and how much energy you have.───你应该意识到,你的最佳状态是与一天的时间段和你所拥有的精力有关。

6、Thus in many homes it is necessary to put a limit on the time the children can watch TV.───这样大多数家庭应该对孩子看电视的时间加以限制。

7、This tilted orbit does more than put the Moon in the wrong place in the skies, too far north or south, depending on the time of the month.───这个倾斜的轨道不仅仅将月球引向了天空中错误的位置,不是太南就是太北,这取决于在一个月中的什么时候。

8、People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day.───视一天中的不同时候而定,人们会经历体能和智能上的差异。

9、I lost goals, I feel that Iam drifting on the time current like a leaf, the life is meaningless as if it was dead water.───我失去了目标,感觉就像树叶一样漂流在时间的小溪中,生活无趣的像一潭死水。

on the time相似词语短语

1、on the side───另外;作为兼职

2、on the line───处于危险中;模棱两可;在电话线上

3、on the take───受贿;敲诈

4、on the tiles───寻欢作乐

5、all the time───始终,一直

6、on the skite───在滑雪板上。

7、on the game───(非正式)**

in the time和on the time的区别?


in time意思是刚好在时间段里,就是“及时”,on time意思是刚好在时间点上,也就是“准时”,

in time,on time的区别

1.in time表示及时,用于修饰句中动作发生的时间状态。如:

Can we get to the station in time?我们能够及时赶到车站吗?

2.on time虽然也与时间有关,但表示的是副词“准时”。


The train pulled in exactly on time.列车准时进站。

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