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managing editor中文翻译,managing editor是什么意思,managing editor发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

managing editor中文翻译,managing editor是什么意思,managing editor发音、用法及例句

managing editor

managing editor发音

英:  美:

managing editor中文意思翻译


总编辑; 主编

managing editor双语使用场景

1、Erica works in a multi - media firm as assistant managing editor.───艾芮卡在一家多媒体公司担任助理执行编辑.

2、I am permitted toto Mr. Smith, Managing editor of the magazine.───至于俺的品德, 您可函询《中东国际》杂志主任史密斯先生.

3、Julie Schwietert, Matador's Managing editor.───朱莉·施威特,《斗牛士》管理版编辑。

4、Others have an assistant managing editor or an assistantsenior editor act as an ombudsman.───也有媒体由助理总编辑或编辑部主管的助理负责相关工作.

5、Richard Stengel , the managing editor of Time , took issue with Mr. Whitaker's characterization.───《时代》的执行主编理查德·斯坦格尔不同意惠特克先生的说法.

6、Mark Whitaker, CNN's managing editor, disagrees.───CNN总编马克·惠特克不同意这一点。

7、I am permitted to refer to Mr. Smith, Managing editor of the magazine.───至于我的品德, 您可函询《中东国际》杂志主任史密斯先生.

8、Bjorn Carey, Life's Little Mysteries Managing editor.───凯里(Bjorn Carey),《生活中的小秘密》的总编辑。

9、The fascinating cover story on Putin was written by deputy managing editor Adi Ignatius.───关于普京的封面故事就是副编辑阿迪写的,非常有吸引力.

managing editor相似词语短语

1、managing a risk───管理风险

2、fashion editor───时尚编辑

3、managing director───n.总经理,常务董事

4、night editor───夜班编缉

5、managing editors───总编辑

6、managing partner───办事员;任事股东

7、managing up───管理上司;向上管理

8、copying editor───文字编辑

9、managing directors───n.总经理,常务董事


主编 [简明汉英词典]

editor in chief

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