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小组讨论英文(panel discussion中文翻译,panel discussion是什么意思,panel discussion发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

小组讨论英文(panel discussion中文翻译,panel discussion是什么意思,panel discussion发音、用法及例句)

panel discussion

panel discussion发音

英:  美:

panel discussion中文意思翻译


n.小组讨论; 合议

panel discussion双语使用场景

1、A panel discussion was held on abortion.───就流产问题举行了小组讨论会.

2、choice of "Globalization and health" for this panel discussion is indeed farsighted.───选择“全球化与卫生”为这次小组讨论的主题,确实很有远见。

3、Fu Ying also participated in the panel discussion with the theme on the "emerging states and global governance" and interacted with the audience.───傅莹还参加了以“新兴国家和全球治理为”主题的小组讨论,并与现场听众互动。

4、Format of the conference include: briefing, presentation, computer simulation , case study, forum , and panel discussion.───◎会议采取多种交流模式: 简报, 讲解, 电脑模拟演练, 个案研究, 及与谈讨论.

5、Panel discussion: Chrome and ferro - chrome outlook – do we have consensus of opinion?───小组讨论: 铬矿和 铬铁 展望-我们的意见是否一致 呢 ?

6、The date for the panel discussion is fixed now.───座谈会的日期现已确定.

7、Study Panel Discussion Retail precincting - does it work?───小组讨论–零售份区–是否有效?

8、METHODES Using methods such as literature, specialist consultation, panel discussion, etc.───方法采用文献检索 、 专家咨询 、 小组讨论相结合的方法,收集信息 、 分析评估.

9、I think anonymity on the Internet has to go away,” she said during a panel discussion on social media hosted Tuesday evening by Marie Claire magazine.───我想是时候驱逐那些游荡在网络各处的假面舞者了,”在周二晚由《美丽佳人》杂志举办,并在各大媒体直播的一场专题讨论会上她这样指出。

10、There were two phases in this study: focus groups and expert panel discussion.───研究方法分二阶段,包括[焦点团体]与[专家座谈].

11、Fourth , often makes matter of some safe, lets their people's panel discussion.───时常制造一些无事之事, 让他们的人民公开讨论.

panel discussion相似词语短语

1、round-table discussions───圆桌会议;圆桌讨论

2、barrel distortion───负畸变;[光]桶形畸变;[电子]桶形失真


4、panzer division───德国装甲师

5、panel discussions───专题讨论会

6、round-table discussion───圆桌会议;圆桌讨论

7、under discussion───正在讨论中



panel discussion 主要是指在公众面前以直播的形式展开的座谈会。有时也用作小组座谈会,指一个工作组内部展开的会议。

workshop 的规模要大一些,不过两种基本上可以混用,没有太大的差别。

panel discussion 主要是指在公众面前以直播的形式展开的座谈会。有时也用作小组座谈会,指一个工作组内部展开的会议。

workshop 的规模要大一些,不过两种基本上可以混用,没有太大的差别。

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