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graduate program中文翻译,graduate program是什么意思,graduate program发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

graduate program中文翻译,graduate program是什么意思,graduate program发音、用法及例句

1、graduate program

graduate program发音

英:  美:

graduate program中文意思翻译



graduate program双语使用场景

1、In other words, this note should be helpful when you are just getting started in your graduate program, as well as later when you start to write your thesis.───用另一句话来说就是,这篇短文应该会对你很有帮助无论是你刚刚开始你的研究生课程还是稍后你要开始写你的论文。

2、And selecting one option - a job, a career, a graduate program - means not selecting others.───你们在经历一次人生的转折, 而这个转折需要你们自己做出一些决定.

3、Instead she enrolled in summer courses in graphic design and advertising and has now decided to apply to a graduate program in art direction for advertising.───作为替代,她参加了暑期的图画设计和广告学的课程,现在她决定接受一个广告业的艺术指导的毕业生项目。

4、He finally passed the examination for the graduate program, everyone is pleased for him.───他终于考上研究生了, 大家都为他高兴呢.

5、Have you ever applied to any graduate program at Benedictine University?───是否曾经申请过班尼迪克大学?

6、A British engineering professor heard of this untutored genius and, despite his lack of formal schooling, recruited him into his graduate program at the University of Birmingham.───一位英国的工程领域教授听说了这位未受过正规教育的天才后破格录取他加入自己在伯明翰大学的研究生项目。

graduate program相似词语短语

1、gradual process───渐进的过程


3、crash program───应急计划;紧急措施

4、rogue program───恶意程序

5、pre-law program───法律预科课程

6、graduate nurse───研究生护士

7、computer program───计算机程序

2、Graduate Programs是什么意思?


1.研究所课程2. 研究生课程3. 研究生项目  研究生项目(Graduate Program)语言成绩要求:对于托福成绩的最低要求为100分。例句:1.The graduate program includes over 70 graduate students from many differentcountries.研究生计划包括70多个研究生来自许多不同的国家。

2.After finishing my undergraduate degree I decided to take some time off beforeheading into a graduate program.结束大学的学习之后,我决定歇一阵再去上研究生。

3.Detailed rules for the graduate program are contained in the current Regulations for Graduate Degrees in Chemistry.详细规则的研究生课程都包含在目前的条例研究生学位化学。

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