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class rules中文翻译,class rules是什么意思,class rules发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

class rules中文翻译,class rules是什么意思,class rules发音、用法及例句

class rules

class rules发音

英:  美:

class rules中文意思翻译



class rules双语使用场景

1、Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules.───我们学校有校规,而且我们班也有班规。

2、Step Three: Review some sentences about class rules.───第三步:复习一些关于班规的句子。

3、I knew well that we were breaking not one, but two class rules.───我清楚地知道我们不只违反了一条班纪,而是两条。

4、When a substitute teacher present, all class rules still apply.───别的老师来代课,也要守班规

5、These are the class rules and I promise to follow them.───这些课堂制度我保证会一一遵守。

6、And lastly the possessing class rules directly by means of universal suffrage .───最后,有产阶级是直接通过普选制来统治的。

7、After the basic elements, the grammar defines the section and class rules.───在定义了基本元素之后,文法定义了节和类规则。

8、Well, they are often student-centered, and sometimes students even help make the class rules.───嗯,答案是他们往往以学生为中心,有时候学生甚至参与制定班规。

9、coincidence of ship-owner's requirement and ship-class rules.───符合船东要求和船检的规范。

class rules相似词语短语

1、class roll───班级名单

2、class ranks───班级排名

3、class struggles───阶级斗争

4、class rolls───班级卷

5、chain rules───链规则;[数]链式法则

6、class numbers───[数]类数;[计]分类号;[数]组数

7、phase rules───[理物]相律

8、class biases───阶级偏见

9、closed rules───封闭规则







class rules

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