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not many中文翻译,not many是什么意思,not many发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

not many中文翻译,not many是什么意思,not many发音、用法及例句

not many

not many发音

英:  美:

not many中文意思翻译



not many双语使用场景

1、There are not many persons who pretend to exact knowledge of the subject.───自认对题目有确切了解的人不多.

2、Not many people can write with the left hand.───用左手写字的人并不多.

3、I have a few, but not many.───我有几个, 可是不多.

4、Not many such appeasers were left in 1941.───1941年这类绥靖分子所剩无几。

5、There are not many players who can outrun me.───跑得比我快的球员为数不多。

6、There are not many live broadcasts on TV anymore.───最近很少实况转播.

7、Business is rather slow today, eg not many goods are being sold.───今天生意很清淡.

8、There were not many survivors.───幸存者为数不多.

9、Not many expected Ferdinand to be such a success this season.───预料到费迪南德在本赛季如此成功的人并不多。

10、There are not many jobs free this year, and if you ask for much more, you'll price yourself out of the market.───今年空额不多, 如果你要求高于原来职务的工资, 那么没人会雇你的.

11、This model is a poor seller , ie Not many have been sold.───这种型号的不好卖.

12、Well, fair or not, many languages have words that express such beliefs.───总之, 不管是否公平, 许多语言中都有表达这一观念的单词.

13、There were glasses of champagne and cigars, but not many of either were consumed.───这里有香槟和雪茄,但两样东西都没怎么动。

14、Not many films are made in Finland.───芬兰出品的**并不多。

15、There are not many jobs that leave you time to get the housework do.───能在家务事空闲时做的工作可不容易找.

16、Not many people agree with the government's prediction that the economy will improve.───没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。

17、You're supposed to buy a ticket, but not many people do.───按说应当买票,不过买的人不多。

18、Apart from doctors and addicts , not many would recognize it.───除了医生或吸食者, 没什么人能分辨得出.

not many相似词语短语


2、hit man───职业凶手

3、not bad───不错

4、not half───一点也不;很小程度

5、not very───不是很;不大


7、slot man───排版编辑

8、so many───那么多的

9、as many───一样多

not any 和not many区别?

not any apples:没有任何苹果,就是一个都没有。

not many apples:没有许多苹果,表示还是有的,只是数量不多。





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