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call into question中文翻译,call into question是什么意思,call into question发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

call into question中文翻译,call into question是什么意思,call into question发音、用法及例句

call into question

call into question发音

英:  美:

call into question中文意思翻译


对…表示怀疑; 认为有问题

call into question双语使用场景

1、Incidents like this though call into question how trustworthy that productivity is.───不过,像这样的事件却让人质疑这种生产能力有多可靠。

2、If they become publicly known, they may call into question many silent assumptions about marriage.───如果真相为人所知, 他们可能就婚姻会暗暗地提出许多疑问.

3、He suggests that these observations of bugs predating reptiles call into question previously held opinions about predator-prey dynamics in freshwater habitats.───他认为观察到的这些昆虫捕食爬行动物的现象引发了对之前所持对淡水生境中捕食动态观点的疑问。

4、Although Board compensation is not illegal, it can call into question a nonprofit's financial integrity.───虽然这个补偿并非不合法,但总是能引起对机构财务公正的质疑。

call into question相似词语短语

1、basic question───根本问题;基本问题;基础问题

2、call into being───使形成,使产生;创造,成立

3、tagging question───附加疑问句;反意疑问句

4、call in question───对…表示怀疑;提出异议

5、following question───下面的问题

6、into question───引起质疑

7、call an election───召集选举

8、call it quits───停止工作;终止关系

9、a moot question───没有实际意义的问题


fall asleep 入睡, 长眠, 懈怠, 静止不动

bring out 使显示, 出版, 生产, 说出

change into 兑换,变为

call on 号召, 呼吁, 邀请, 访问, 指派, 要(学生)回答问题

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