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use for中文翻译,use for是什么意思,use for发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

use for中文翻译,use for是什么意思,use for发音、用法及例句

1、use for

use for发音

英:  美:

use for中文意思翻译




use for双语使用场景

1、One use for early astronomy was to create calendars.───早期天文学的用途之一是建立历法.

2、It is no use for you to look sullen.───你不用做出烦恼的神色.

3、If it has its own IP address, we can use the access point itself over the network; this is less secure, but more fun to use for a demo.───如果它有自己的 IP 地址,那么我们就可以在网络上使用接入点本身了;这样做的安全性要差一些,但在用于演示方面会更有趣。

4、They both loved the fabric, but couldn't find a use for it.───他们都很喜爱这块布,可是不知道拿来做什么好。

5、What gauge of wire should we use for this job?───我们干这活应该用多大号的铁丝?

6、They have no use for fickle supporters.───他们不能容忍反覆无常的拥护者.

7、Multichannel sparker recording has recently come into use for shallow - penetration.───多道火花发生器记录系统,最近开始已在浅层勘测中应用.

8、This company has no use for people who dont'know English.───不懂英文的人在这个公司是吃不开的.

9、The site has been out of use for many years.───这个地方已经闲置多年。

10、The square and flat type of keys are in wide use for general machine construction.───对于一般的机器结构,广泛使用方键和平键.

11、It is of great use for our work.───这对我们的工作非常有用.

12、I'm sure you'll think of a use for it.───我相信你会给这东西找到用途的。

13、One remarkable use for transistrors is in hearing aids.───晶体管的一项特别引人注意的应用是在助听器方面.

14、They were digging up worms to use for bait.───他们正在挖蚯蚓作鱼饵.

15、The best material to use for quilting is 100% lightweight cotton.───被子的最好材料为百分之百的高支棉。

16、You will no longer have a use for the magazines.───你再也用不着这些杂志了。

17、The correlation is loose and the use for prediction insecure.───这种相关是不密切的,而且用来预测是靠不住的.

18、I have no use for people who are always grumbling?───我对那些总是抱怨的人已无耐心了.

use for相似词语短语

1、base form───原形;基础形式,基底形式

2、ask for───请求,要求;寻找

3、lusts for───贪求

4、lust for───贪求

5、as for───关于,至于

6、lusted for───贪求

7、up for───打算;在选举中被提名;在法庭受审;被关押

8、asked for───请求,要求;寻找

9、use a fork───用叉子


use to do: 用来做

It sounds like you could do with an assistant but that's obviously not possible, so what about having an online system that students can use to do their scheduling?听起来你需要一个助手,但这显然是不可能的,那如果有一个在线系统来帮助学生做他们的日程安排呢?

use for: 某物有什么作用;用于……

The best material to use for quilting is 100% lightweight cotton.做被子的最好材料为100%的轻量化的棉花。

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