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broken up中文翻译,broken up是什么意思,broken up发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

broken up中文翻译,broken up是什么意思,broken up发音、用法及例句

1、broken up

broken up发音

英:  美:

broken up中文意思翻译




broken up双语使用场景

1、This indifference must be broken up at any cost.───她要不惜一切代价治好他的麻木不仁.

2、My girlfriend had broken up with me.───我的女朋友已跟我分手了。

3、My marriage has broken up. It has made me reclusive and unsociable.───我的婚姻破裂了。这让我变得孤僻、不愿与人来往。

4、Customers entered, and the group was broken up.───有顾客进门, 几个人散开了.

5、The ship was broken up for scrap metal.───这艘船拆毁了当废铁用.

6、We don't know the reason why they have broken up with each other.───我们不知道他们的关系为何破裂.

7、She's just broken up with her boy - friend.───她刚与男朋友绝交.

8、Furniture, china, glass it's all been broken up by degrees.───家具 、 瓷器 、 玻璃器皿——全都慢慢破了.

9、Most of the landed estates were broken up as a result.───结果大部分土地产权解体.

10、My girlfriend has broken up with me.───我的女友已和我分手了。

11、Those old railway carriages will be broken up for scrap.───那些旧火车车厢将用来拆取废铁.

12、This indifference must be broken up at any cost.───要不惜一切代价打破这种冷漠。

13、That couple have broken up.───他们俩吹了.

14、A city road must be broken up by jackhammers.───城市道路必须用风镐掘开.

15、Their marriage has broken up.───他们的婚姻已经破裂。

16、Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses can be divided into phrases.───句子可以分成分句, 分句能分成短语.

17、One's family was broken up and its members died.───家破人亡.

18、Their marriage has broken up.───他们的婚姻关系破裂了.

broken up相似词语短语

1、;oken out───打破,打坏;锚出土

2、;oken in───打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯

3、;oken lot───零星股份;[贸易]散批货物

4、;oken leg───骨折的腿

5、woken up───醒来(wakeup的过去分词形式)

6、;oke up───分手;结束,打碎

7、frozen up───冻结;怯场

8、;oken ice───碎冰;疏散冰

9、spoken up───更大声地说;无保留地说出

2、repair与fix up的区别?

repair ,fix,fix up 的区别:

一、repair是一般用词,凡是损坏、损伤、故障,尤其是收音机、手表、汽车、炉子等这类的机械装置需要“修理”“维修”时用repair。repair词汇分析音标:英 [rɪˈpeə(r)] 美 [rɪˈper] 释义:修理;纠正;恢复;弥补举例:A woman drove her car to the garage to have it repaired.

二、fix用于需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体各部分装配起来.用于美国口语中, 还有整理的意思。fix词汇分析音标:英 [fɪks] 美 [fɪks]释义:修复(不一定是原样) ,安装,装置举例:Can you fix the broken chair?

三、fix up是个非正式用语,主要用于美国英语中,可表示mend和repair的含义。可以指不用复杂的技术和工具的“修理”,也可指需要一定的技术对比较复杂的东西的“修理”。fix up词汇分析音标:英 [fiks ʌp] 美 [fɪks ʌp] 释义:修理;安排;安顿;为(某人)提供举例:And I'll fix up the new room.


更多例句:The roof should be repaired soon.这屋顶应及早整修.He had his car repaired yesterday.昨天他把车子送去修好了.Repairs must be done to the house before we move in.在我们搬进去之前,房屋必须整修.We are going to fix the broken machine. 我们将修理损坏的机器。But, if you fix a point, then we have linear approximation. 但是,如果你固定了一个点,就能得到线性近似。I can fix up you with a used car.我可以为你提拱一辆旧车。I hope you can fix up a meeting with the director recently.我希望你能在最近安排与经理会面。

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