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dailymail(daily mail中文翻译,daily mail是什么意思,daily mail发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

dailymail(daily mail中文翻译,daily mail是什么意思,daily mail发音、用法及例句)

1、daily mail

daily mail发音

英:  美:

daily mail中文意思翻译



daily mail双语使用场景

1、The Daily Mail has the headline "The Voice of Conscience"───《每日邮报》的头版标题为“良知的声音”。

2、The company was alleged to have leaked the news to the Daily Mail.───据称,那家公司将消息透露给了《每日邮报》。

3、Daily Mail is a strong, profitable newspaper in its home market. It belongs to a media group that has diversified into risk management and information services.───每日邮报》在英国本土市场是一家实力强、利润高的报纸,隶属一家做大到风险管理和信息服务的多元的媒体集团。

4、I looked in the nearest paper, which happened to be the Daily Mail.───我仔细看了一下离自己最近的那份报纸,正巧是份《每日邮报》。

5、The British newspaper Daily Mail, founded by Lord Northcliffe, was first published.───由诺思克利夫勋爵创办的英国报纸《每日邮报》创刊.

6、But after lobbying by News International and the Daily Mail ministers agreed not to bring it into force.───但是经过《国际新闻报》和《每日邮报》的游说,部长们同意该条款不予生效。

7、Anne a well - rewarded columnist for the Daily Mail and a trailblazer for other female journalists.───安妮成为了《每日邮报》广受赞誉的专栏作家,是其他女记者的先驱.

8、The Daily Mail has a much higher circulation.───《每日邮报》的发行量要大得多.

9、I published his auto-biography, which was very competently ghosted by a woman journalist from the Daily Mail.───我出版了《每日邮报》的女记者为他代笔的自传,写得颇具文采。

10、This week, we learn about her concerns on obesity through the Telegraph and Daily Mail.───本周,我们了解到他在每日邮报和电讯报所关注的肥胖问题。

daily mail相似词语短语

1、daisy chain───链,环;雏菊花环

2、snail mails───蜗牛邮件;邮寄信件

3、daily task───日常工作;每日任务

4、daily basis───每日

5、daily grind───日常工作

6、snail mail───蜗牛邮件;邮寄信件

7、air mail───n.航空邮件;航空邮政;adj.航空邮递的;vt.航空邮寄


9、daily limit───每日涨停(期货交易术语);每日限幅(期货交易术语)



n. 邮件;邮政,邮递;盔甲

vt. 邮寄;给…穿盔甲

vi. 邮寄;寄出


I wrote these mails to Julie when I was in college.



by mail邮寄;通过写信,通过邮递;按信件

daily mail每日邮报(英国伦敦的报刊)

voice mail语音邮件

mail box 邮箱


复数 mails 

过去式 mailed

过去分词 mailed

现在分词 mailing

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