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catalytic converters中文翻译,catalytic converters是什么意思,catalytic converters发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

catalytic converters中文翻译,catalytic converters是什么意思,catalytic converters发音、用法及例句

1、catalytic converters

catalytic converters发音

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catalytic converters中文意思翻译



n.(汽车等的)催化式排气净化器( catalytic converter的名词复数 )

catalytic converters双语使用场景

1、At last the evaluating system of the catalytic converters is designed for the CNG vehicle.───并设计了天然气汽车的专用三元催化器性能评价系统.

2、When catalytic converters were developed, the petroleum industry had to make gasoline lead - free.───在研制出催化转化器之后, 石油工业必须使汽油变成无铅汽油.

3、All new petrol cars must be fitted with catalytic converters to control emissions.───所有新的汽油车辆必须装置催化转换器,以限制废气排放.

4、Tetraethyl lead worked in " leaded " gasoline but was phased out because It'spoiled catalytic converters.───[ 有铅 ] 汽油中的四乙基铅效果不错,但已经逐渐淘汰,因为它会破坏触媒转化器.

5、The first catalytic converters were called conventional oxidation catalysts.───最初的转化器叫做常规氧化催化器.

6、In the United States, manufacturers of catalytic converters would suffer the most, followed by the metal alloying and ceramic-making sectors.───在美国,受创最为严重的是触媒转换器制造商。其次是合金与陶瓷生产行业。

7、Lower production also means less demand for palladium and platinum, used in the production of catalytic converters.───生产降低,意味着对钯和铂的需求将减少,这两种金属主要用于生产汽车的催化转换器。

8、Tetraethyl lead worked leaded gasoline but was phased out because It'spoiled catalytic converters.───汽油中的四乙基铅效果不错,但已经逐渐淘汰,因为它会破坏触媒转化器.

9、In the regulation of car engines, for example, America took the virtuous step of mandating catalytic converters long before the European Union did.───以汽车引擎调整为例,美国在欧盟之前很久就采取良性措施来要求生产商使用催化转换器。

10、The reasoning for this is simple: current catalytic converters are two - stage devices.───其理由很简单: 目前的催化转换器是两个阶段的设备.

11、The light - off performance of automotive catalytic converters is very important for the stringent vehicle emission regulation.───车用催化转化器的起燃特性对满足日益严格的排放法规是至关重要的.

12、Yet another process uses the leftover bacteria to recycle expensive palladium metal from catalytic converters.───然而,另一过程利用剩余的细菌循环再造触媒转换器中昂贵的钯金属.

catalytic converters相似词语短语

1、catalytic crackers───n.催化裂化器

2、catalytic converter───[化工]催化转化器;触媒转换器

3、catalytic effect───[物化]催化效应

4、athletic supporters───男用护肾带;运动员的下部护套

5、catalytic cracker───n.催化裂化器


7、torque converters───液力变矩器;转矩变换器

8、catalytic activity───[物化]催化活性

9、image converters───图像光电变换器变像管


The main content of this graduation thesis is the examining of cars exhaust to analyse their internal breakdowns. We could use the method of observing the exhaust's colour, with our naked eyes,to distinguish the type of breakdown, simultaneously introduce the three-way converter and oxygen sensor which are indispensable in the reducing of exhaust pollution.In addition, this thesis has

specifically introduced the formation of pullutants and the reasons that various pollutants exceed stipulated standard. During the process of writing this thesis,large quantities of data have been used to show the close link between cars discharge indicium and

the various performance indicia.

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