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Pearl River中文翻译,Pearl River是什么意思,Pearl River发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

Pearl River中文翻译,Pearl River是什么意思,Pearl River发音、用法及例句

Pearl River

Pearl River发音

英:  美:

Pearl River中文意思翻译


[地名] [美国] 珀尔里弗; 珠江


Pearl River双语使用场景

1、China's third major rivers - the Pearl River from city centre and the cross - flow.───中国的第三大河 —— 珠江从广州市中心穿流而过.

2、Guangzhou is divided by the Pearl River.───珠江横穿广州市.

3、Blue Girl, Tiger, and Pearl River.───蓝妹、虎啤和珠江。

4、Products are sold to the Pearl River Delta major printing plant.───产品主要销往珠江三角洲各大印刷厂.

5、Is the Pearl River Delta economic circle in the oasis.───也是珠江三角洲经济圈中的绿洲.

6、October 1958, and merged into the Pearl River Farm Wanqingsha Corporation.───1958年10月, 与珠江农场合并为万顷沙公社.

7、The cooperation among governments in the Pan - pearl River Delta requires simulation from compensation methods.───同时,泛珠三角应引入补偿机制,从而使合作内容进一步细化.

8、Adopt innovation way, accelerated the infrastructure construction of Pearl River shipping.───通过走创新道路, 加快了珠江航运的基础设施建设.

9、One Pearl River and one Margarita.───一瓶珠江啤酒和一杯玛格丽达.

10、A: Blue Girl, Tiger, and Pearl River.───蓝妹 、 虎啤和珠江.

11、In the past year, chill winds have blown through the Pearl River Delta.───过去一年中,寒风吹遍了珠江三角洲。

12、HKIA is making transfers to and from the Pearl River Delta easier.───香港国际机场推出[经港飞]服务,方便往来珠三角的旅客.

13、The Pearl River Piano Company management says it's now the world's largest.───珠江钢琴公司的管理人员说这是目前世界上最大的产量。

14、Shuttle barge service fm pearl river delta to chiwan, hongkong.───提供往返于珠三角与赤湾, 香港之间的驳船运输服务.

15、From'small pearl river delta " to " pan pearl river delta "───从 “ 小珠 ” 到 “ 泛珠 ” --珠江三角洲区域发展历程回顾及展望.

16、Nanshan District, San Mianhuan sea, adjacent to the Pearl River Estuary.───南山区三面环海, 毗邻珠江口.

17、The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River.───长江差不多比珠江长两倍.

18、Blue Ribbon, Pearl River, and Tiger.───蓝带 、 珠江和虎啤.

Pearl River相似词语短语

1、pearl diving───珍珠潜水

2、pearl diver───潜水采珠人

3、Pearl River───珠江(位于中国南部)


5、pearly whiter───珍珠白

6、pearl millet───狼尾草;御谷,珍珠稷

7、pearl divers───潜水采珠人

8、pearl fisher───珍珠鱼

9、pearl oyster───n.珍珠贝(等于pearlshell)



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