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no response中文翻译,no response是什么意思,no response发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

no response中文翻译,no response是什么意思,no response发音、用法及例句

no response

no response发音

英:  美:

no response中文意思翻译




no response双语使用场景

1、Correct answer: + 5 points, Incorrect answer: 0 point, No response: 0 point.───正确答案: 加5分, 错误答案: 零分, 不作答: 零分.

2、She made no response.───她没作任何回答。

3、The Blue Buffalo Company ( Wilton , CT ) - No response to our inquiry.───未上 榜 原因:对于此次调查不给予任何回应.

4、He made no response to my question.───他对我的问题不予回答.

5、There is no response to our mailing shoot.───对我们的邮寄的广告单无反应.

6、Jim struck the cabinet repeatly, but there was no response.───吉姆反复敲打机壳, 但毫无反应.

7、Relationships and fellowship cannot be built where there is no response.───你若向对方开放,但对方却毫无反应,便不可能建立相交的关系.

8、No response, just a flutter of flanks and a few ear twitches.───没反应, 只有胁腹和耳朵动了几下.

9、has been no response to his remarks from the government.───政府方面对他的评论一直没有反应。

10、My letters to her have elicited no response.───我写给她的信没有得到回应。

11、There was a pause -- no response.───等了一会 -- 没人应声.

12、His oratorical efforts evoked no response in his audience.───他的雄辩在听众中不起反响.

13、There was no response in 10.6 %.───其中10.6%的患者无生化学应答.

14、But for his soulful singing, but no response.───但对于他深情的歌唱, 却毫无反应.

15、He makes no response to my letter.───他对我的信置之不答.

16、I could elicit no response from him.───我从他那里套不出任何反应。

17、The letter I wrote him elicited no response.───我写给他的信石沉大海.

no response相似词语短语

1、to respond───回应




5、angry response───愤怒的回应




我有这么个过程,(端口,波特率肯定没问题)新换的一条通信线,win7自动识别并安装驱动,与欧姆龙通信后成功,而且在线模拟速度特别快,几乎没有延时,后来不知道是改了端口还是怎么操作的,出现了PLC no response,并闪烁,偶尔还能操作plc的端口,所以应该是波特率的问题,最后通过“通讯端口设置”里的“命令重送次数”改成3解决的,并且明显有延时,我觉得这是威伦软件的问题,写出来给其他同行参考,总比“PLC no response”强

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