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consulate general中文翻译,consulate general是什么意思,consulate general发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

consulate general中文翻译,consulate general是什么意思,consulate general发音、用法及例句

consulate general

consulate general发音

英:  美:

consulate general中文意思翻译



consulate general双语使用场景

1、The consulate general warned Chinese students and their parents to be careful in choosing Australian colleges.───总领事馆警告中国学生和家长谨慎选择澳大利亚大学.

2、Please present this form to apply for entry visa at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General.───请持此表前往中国驻外签证机关申请来华签证.

3、Accordingly, the Consulate General in Hong Kong can no longer take any action on this case.───因此, 驻港总领事馆不能再采取任何行动,对这一案件.

4、Guests also showed great interest to the books about China distributed by the Consulate General.───来宾们还对总领馆内摆放的外宣图书表现出浓厚的兴趣,纷纷索取。

5、Counselor Yao Wenliang and Consul Li Zhuang from the Chinese Consulate General were present.───参赞尧文良和领事李壮等在座。

6、establishment of a Consulate General in Wuhan is a landmark in U.S. history.───美国驻武汉总领馆的设立是美国历史上的一个里程碑,给美中关系展开了新的篇章, 是美中关系日益紧密的证明。

7、This seminar is jointly brought to you by the Singapore Consulate - General in Shanghai and IE Singapore.───这次研讨会由新加坡驻上海总领事馆主办,与新加坡国际企业发展局联办.

consulate general相似词语短语

1、consuls generals───总领事

2、consume energy───消耗能量

3、consultant engineers───顾问工程师

4、consuls general───总领事

5、consul general───总领事

6、consulate generals───总领事馆

7、postmaster general───邮政大臣

8、postmasters general───邮政大臣

9、consulates general───总领事馆




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