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early on中文翻译,early on是什么意思,early on发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

early on中文翻译,early on是什么意思,early on发音、用法及例句

early on

early on发音

英:  美:

early on中文意思翻译




early on双语使用场景

1、I knew early on ( in the film ) that I wasn't going to enjoy it.───**一 开演 我就知道不会喜欢这部**.

2、He retired early on grounds of ill health .───他由于身体不好而提早退休。

3、Early on, I had a meeting with him to explain our position.───我早先曾和他会晤过一次, 我向他说明了我们的处境.

4、Is the house stirring early on my account?───是不是因为我的缘故全家都起早了?

5、Early on 14 November Ely Curtiss's pusher biplane was hoisted aboard.───十一月十四日晨,伊利的柯蒂斯推进式双翼机被吊上船.

6、Early on the third morning Hoprins visited Churchill.───第三天清早,霍普金斯谒见了邱吉尔.

7、The market square is a riot of colour and animation from early on in the morning.───从大清早起这个市集广场就色彩缤纷,生机勃勃。

8、Spain ran England ragged early on but goalkeeper Ian Walker proved a formidable barrier.───西班牙队先是猛烈进攻,使英格兰队疲于奔命,但守门员伊恩·沃克防守甚严。

9、She retired early on account of ill health.───她体弱多病,所以提前退休。

10、We may also service rooms early on request.───我们也可以应客人要求提早收拾房间.

11、He agrees I can leave early on Friday.───他同意我逢星期五早走.

12、The little children are sent home from school early on a snowy day.───下雪天学校提前送小孩子们回家.

13、She tends to come to work early on Mondays.───她星期一总是早早就来上班.

14、Hopes for an early cut in German interest rates lit the market's fuse early on.───对德国很快将会降低利率的期望使得市场早早启动了。

15、She always skives off early on Fridays.───星期五,她总是早早就溜了。

16、Yes. It closes early on Friday afternoon.───是的.它在星期五下午关门早.

17、Colchester were winning 1 - 0 thanks to Kevin McLeod's headed goal early on.───科尔切斯特凭借凯文-麦柯里奥德的头球早早奠定胜局.

early on相似词语短语

1、carry on───继续;参与

2、early goal───早期目标

3、early modern───近代早期的

4、early men───早期的男人



7、early man───早期的人

8、early age───早期

9、early doors───adv.最初阶段;开局


early on早先,早些时候,前不久;开始不久;在初期,在早期,在开始阶段

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