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pan out中文翻译,pan out是什么意思,pan out发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

pan out中文翻译,pan out是什么意思,pan out发音、用法及例句

pan out

pan out发音

英:  美:

pan out中文意思翻译



v.成功,淘选; 移动镜头,拍摄全景

pan out双语使用场景

1、So obviously, it still wait too early to tell how that will pan out for the company.───所以,很明显,要预测该公司结果还为时尚早。

2、Maybe, if studies on a chemical compound pan out.───有可能, 如果某种化学合成物能研究成功的话.

3、But whether further tests pan out is yet to be seen.───不过今后类似的实验是否能够再次获得成功还未可知.

4、KM: We know the first six episodes, because they pan out the first six.───我们知道前六集的, 因为她们搞定了前六的剧情.

5、Nobody knew how the things would pan out.───没人知道事情结果将会怎样.

6、It depends how things pan out.───那得看事情结果怎样了.

7、The peace talks did not pan out and frighting was resumed.───和谈破裂,战火重燃.

8、Unfortunately, the deal did not pan out. I lost a thousand dollars.───这笔生意不幸没有成功,我损失了1,000美元。

9、Kamala : Let's wait and see how things pan out.───卡玛拉: 我们到时候再看看情况如何.

10、Long Treasurys for the year to date didn't pan out that well either.───今年迄今,长期国债的表现也不如人意.

11、You can't always expect things to pan out each time, can you ?───你不能期望事情总是一帆风顺的 呀 !

12、How did it pan out?───结果怎样?

13、Edison's efforts to invent electric light bulb did not pan out until he used tungsten wires.───爱迪生发明电灯泡的努力直到使用钨丝才获得成功.

14、Few business plans ever pan out like their owners intend.───没有几个商业计划后来呈现出当初作者最早的意愿。

15、If I don't pan out as an actor I can still go back to school ( Saul Bellow )───如果我不能胜任做一名医生,我仍能够回到学校 ( 索尔贝洛 )

16、We can't predict how things will pan out.───我们无法预言事情会有什么样的结果.

17、He quit his truck - driving job and tried hand as a motivational speaker, which didn't pan out.───他辞了卡车司机的工作,想成为励志演说家, 可是没成.

pan out相似词语短语

1、bang out───匆匆做出

2、hand out───分发;施舍;把…拿出来

3、fans out───成扇形散开

4、plan out───策划;为…做准备;结果

5、pans out───成功;结果(是);证明

6、ran out───v.耗尽;抛弃,放弃

7、pad out───(用不必要的材料)拉长(文章和书);用填料填满

8、fan out───成扇形散开

9、pay out───v.付出(钱);报复


pan out 是英语短语读音以及词义如下:英[pæn aut] 美[pæn aʊt]v. 成功,淘选; 移动镜头,拍摄全景;

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