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lunar month中文翻译,lunar month是什么意思,lunar month发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

lunar month中文翻译,lunar month是什么意思,lunar month发音、用法及例句

1、lunar month

lunar month发音

英:  美:

lunar month中文意思翻译




lunar month双语使用场景

1、Landscape ponds filled with village, lunar month is the season of spawning female fish.───山水注满了村口的鱼塘, 农历三月正是母鱼产卵的季节.

2、The Double Ninth Festival is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.───重阳节是在农历九月初九.当代,农历九月初九是“敬老节”.

3、Lunar month, Chinese Boat Festival boat races are customs.───农历五月, 汉族的端午节有龙舟竞渡的习俗.

4、Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has a history of more than 2,000 years.───端午节,即农历五月初五,已有2000多年历史。

5、On the first day of lunar month, people and children put on their new clothes.───在农历的第一天, 人们和孩子们穿上新衣服.

6、A series of colorful celebration activities begin on the first day of the first lunar month.───从农历正月初一开始的节庆活动可谓丰富多彩,多种多样.

7、When it got close to the 12 th Lunar Month Festival , the atmosphere got busier every day.───一进腊月节日气氛就一天比一天浓.

8、The legend says that women pray for cleverness every seventh evening of the seventh lunar month.───根据传说,妇女们都在七月七日向神灵乞巧.

9、The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.───农历五月初五是端午节.

10、Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday. It is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.───端午节是个农历节日,在农历第五个月的第五天。

11、We are in February 14,2008 ( the lunar month , eighth of month ) to receive the marriage certificate.───我们于2008年2月14日 ( 农历正月初八 ) 领取结婚证的.

12、The festival is celebrated by the Kazak ethnic minority group , held in the fist lunar month.───那吾鲁牧节哈萨克族的节日, 农历正月举行.

13、The Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.───端午节是中国古老的传统节日,在农历的五月初五这天庆祝。

14、This month is a lunar month of only 29 days.───这个月是小建,只有二十九天.

15、The twelfth lunar month in this year is Dajian ( having 30 days ) .───今年的 腊月 是大建.

16、The Spring Festival lasts till the 15 th of the first lunar month, or the Lantern Festival.───春节一直持续到正月十五元宵节, 或称花灯节.

17、The 23 rd day of the 12 th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve.───第23个日子的第12个太阴月叫做初步的前夕.

18、Fifth lunar month, known as Dragon Boat Festival, client is the beginning, early means.───农历五月五, 俗称“端午节”, 端“开端” 、 “”意思.

19、Of the third lunar month and is focused on flood Longhua Temple incense.───农历三月又是龙华寺香汛集中的时间.

20、It is from the 24 th to the 26 th day of the sixth lunar month.───它在农历6月24日至26日举行.

21、What flowers bloom in the lunar month?───三月里来(那)开一个什么花花开(得儿开)?

22、It is amazing that lunar month is almost the same length as the average menstrual cycle.───令人吃惊的是,农历月份几乎是相同的长度的平均月经周期.

23、The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.───每年农历正月十五是中国的元宵节.

24、The 9 th day of the 9 th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival Double Ninth Festival.───农历九月九日是传统的重阳节,也叫重九节,阳历一般都在十月份.

25、Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, so, it is called Qixi.───今天是农历的七月初七, 所以叫七夕节.

26、A late day in a lunar month after the Harvest.───收获季节过了,一个农历的月份将要结束.

27、Chinese New Year's Eve falls on the last day of the twelfth lunar month.───除夕,是指每年农历腊月的最后一天的晚上,它与春节(正月初一)首尾相连.

28、Planting must be done in accordance with the lunar month , or else you won't harvest anything.───种植植物必须符合月令, 否则不会有收成.

lunar month相似词语短语

1、luna moths───月形天蚕蛾;天蚕蛾科

2、lunar months───[天]太阴月;[天]朔望月

3、calendar months───[天]历月

4、solar month───[天]太阳月(一年的十二分之一)

5、calendar month───[天]历月

6、final month───最后一个月

7、luna moth───月形天蚕蛾;天蚕蛾科













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