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case when(case when中文翻译,case when是什么意思,case when发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

case when(case  when中文翻译,case  when是什么意思,case  when发音、用法及例句)

1、case when

case when发音

英:  美:

case when中文意思翻译


case when双语使用场景

1、In one case, when the captain of a slave ship refused to pay a ransom, Roberts set fire to the ship with all of the slaves still inside.───有一个事例,一个运送奴隶船只的船长拒绝缴纳赎金后,罗伯茨就纵火将整船奴隶活活烧死。

2、That'ssometimes the case when interest rates go up.───这种情况一般发生在利率上涨的时候。

3、As is always the case when Liverpool meet Chelsea, much is being made of the tactical battle between the two managers.───当利物浦碰切尔西,总是会成为两名主帅的战术之争。

4、One judge said she had already dealt with a similar case when styrene spilled out of rail car near Cincinnati.───一位法官说,她之前处理过类似的案子,那次是苯乙烯从辛辛那堤市附近的一节火车车厢溢出来。

5、You're going to think I'm a basket case when I tell you this.───当我告诉你这些的时候,你肯定会认为我失态了。

6、In reality, however, this is often not the case when integrating to multiple external systems.───然而,在实际中,当集成多个外部系统时,情况并非如此。

7、The very next day, I took my back to Chen, he took the violin case when, very heavy, low head saying nothing left.───第二天,我拿了胡琴还给陈老师,他接过琴盒的时候,表情很沉重,低着头什么话也没有说就走了。

8、Even in the worst case, when a change record starts off as vague or high-level, it is at least being tracked and documented.───即使在最糟糕的情况下,当一个变更记录以模糊的状态或者高层次开始时,它至少要被跟踪和存档。

9、He tends to overstate his case when talking politics.───他一谈政治便流于夸夸其谈。

case when相似词语短语

1、base wages───[劳经]基本工资

2、case notes───病例记录


4、case shot───群子弹

5、case shots───群子弹

6、scape wheel───转轮

7、say when───够的时候说一声

8、case files───专题案卷,案件卷宗



C语言中没有when,与case搭配使用的是switch。switch......case是C语言中一种选择匹配命令。\r \r \r 下面通过具体的实例来说明其用法:\r int a=2, b;\r switch(a)\r {\r case 0 : // 如果a=0,执行该case中的语句\r {\r b = a;\r break;\r }\r \r case 1 : // 如果a=1,执行该case中的语句\r {\r b = a+1;\r break;\r }\r case 2 : // 如果a=2,执行该case中的语句\r {\r b = a+2;\r break;\r }\r default: // 如果a与上面所以case后面的值都不相等,执行default中的语句\r b = 0;\r }

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