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pass on(passes on中文翻译,passes on是什么意思,passes on发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

pass on(passes on中文翻译,passes on是什么意思,passes on发音、用法及例句)

passes on

passes on发音

英:  美:

passes on中文意思翻译



passes on双语使用场景

1、He affirms that the company passes on to his son after retiring meeting him.───他退休后肯定会他公司转交给他的儿子。

2、Attempts to launch an attack picks passes on the goalkeeper to press against, spells is running upon post's price not to leave the racket.───试图出击摘传中的门将促不及防,拼着撞上门柱的代价也没有将球拍出。

3、God passes on to the following act.───上帝又转到下一幕去了。

4、It passes on.───它过去了。

5、The non- decompression password, the content like filename, after did not know passes on whether still could use. Begins studies, thanks.───无解压密码,内容如文件名,不知上传后是否仍可用。初学,谢谢。

6、After this news passes on, except has keen power of observation Simon, other children have not realized to this question gravity.───当这消息传出去后,除了具有敏锐观察力的西蒙,其他孩子们都没有认识到这问题的严重性。

7、A charitable organization can never inherit from the estate of an individual who passes on without a will.───一个慈善组织永远也不能接受未立遗嘱的人所捐赠的财产。

8、Now it passes on and I begin to lose it," he said presently.───现在它在往前移,我快听不见它了。”过了一会儿,他说。

9、When the windpipe is charged with air, the air passes on to the hollow parts of the lung.───当气管充满了空气时,空气继续传递到肺中空的部分。

passes on相似词语短语

1、passes up───拒绝;把…向上递

2、passes over───越过;忽略;宽恕;回避

3、pass on───传递;继续;去世

4、passes out───昏倒,失去知觉;分发

5、passed on───度过;通过

6、presses on───强加于;向前推进

7、passes by───经过;走过;逝去

8、passes off───停止;完成;忽视

9、pushes on───推进;推动;努力向前



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