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eke out中文翻译,eke out是什么意思,eke out发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

eke out中文翻译,eke out是什么意思,eke out发音、用法及例句

eke out

eke out发音

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eke out中文意思翻译




eke out双语使用场景

1、They eke out a bare existence ( ie They scarcely manage ) on his low salary.───他们靠他微薄的薪金勉强口.

2、They had to eke out a livinga tiny income.───他们不得不靠微薄收入勉强度日.

3、They are a team that always seemed to eke out victory when the going got tough.───看起来他们总是一个能在困难中艰难取胜的团队。

4、Even in China's richest city, huge numbers of people eke out a very modest existence.───在这个中国最富裕的城市, 还是有很多人勉强维生.

5、He works hard all day long every day to eke out a living for his family.───他整日穷忙,全都是为了这个家呀.

6、To my surprise I eke out a small sound.───出乎我意料之外的是,我只能勉强吹出细小的声音.

7、We must try to eke out our water supply.───我们必须尽量节约用水.

8、His defense during the final match was superb, allowing him to eke out a draw.───决赛中的出色防守使他保住了平局.

9、Migrants send home cash that helps eke out low village incomes.───流动劳工往家里汇款,以弥补低下的农村收入.

10、To eke out her meager pay, Betty turned to writing.───贝蒂为了弥补微薄的工资收入, 搞起写作来.

11、We are no more inclined to eke out our sentimental sorrows cherish our bodily pains.───我们不愿意增加我们多愁善感的悲哀,正如我们不愿意保留我们身体上的疼痛一样.

12、But he harbors doubts about stocks' ability to eke out gains past 2010.───但他对股市在2010年后继续维持上涨的能力持怀疑态度。

13、In certain cases, education and enlightenment can serve to eke out evil.───在某种情况下, 教育和智力都是可以起济恶的作用的.

14、She managed to eke out her student loan till the end of the year.───她想方设法节约用钱使学生贷款维持到了年底。

15、They eke out victories now, or inexplicably stumble like they did Tuesday night against 5 - 16 Sacramento.───要不然,他们现在只能是勉强维持胜利, 或者像周二晚上输给5胜16负的国王那样遭遇莫名其妙失利.

16、The crew started to eke out there scanty supply of fresh water.───船员们开始节约使用储量不多的淡水.

17、They eke out a bare existence on his low salary.───他们靠他微薄的薪金勉强糊口.

18、Many workers can only eke out their redundancy money for about 10 weeks.───很多工人手头的遣散费仅够维持10个星期左右。

eke out相似词语短语

1、even out───v.使平坦;使均等;变正常

2、make out───理解;辨认出;说明;填写;设法应付

3、eked out───v.竭力维持;弥补…的不足

4、fake out───做假动作;以欺骗手法制胜

5、edge out───挤掉;险胜

6、hike out───徒步出行;坐着后倾(保持船只横倾平衡)

7、ease out───比较体面(不伤和气)地将…免职;打发走

8、ekes out───v.竭力维持;弥补…的不足

9、eyes out───不遗余力



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