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one in five中文翻译,one in five是什么意思,one in five发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

one in five中文翻译,one in five是什么意思,one in five发音、用法及例句

one in five

one in five发音

英:  美:

one in five中文意思翻译



one in five双语使用场景

1、In Beijing , for example, one in five children of school age is now obese.───比如说在北京, 现在学龄儿童中有1/5肥胖.

2、The condition affects one in five women.───妇女就有一个人患有这种病。

3、Did you miss the bus? Never mind, there'll be another one in five minutes.───你没赶上公共汽车 吗 ?不要紧, 五分钟后就来一辆.

4、One in five Hungarians, about 1.5 million people, are expected to be impacted by the measures.───估计这些措施将会对五分之一的匈牙利人, 也就是150万民众, 造成影响.

5、One in five undergraduates cannot write grammatically.───有1/5的本科生写作不合语法规则。

6、Official figures show that almost one in five graduates in their late 20s now live with their parents.───官方数据显示目前近五分之一的20多岁的大学毕业生与父母同住。

7、One in five took drama or dance attended classes.───五分之一的人选择了戏剧和舞蹈,16%的人选择了音乐.

8、young adults was struggling with everyday mathematics.───年轻人中就有1个做日常的数学计算很费劲。

9、Only one in five Spaniards is connected to the internet, compared with one in three Britons.───西班牙只有五分之一的人上网, 相比之下,英国有三分之一.

10、One in five young adults was struggling with everyday mathematics.───1/5的年轻人做日常的数学计算都费劲。

11、Three years ago, it was one in five.───而三年前, 这个比例是五分之一.

one in five相似词语短语

1、gone in for───参加,从事;追求;赞成

2、five by five───状态良好;准备就绪

3、be in for───必定遭到;参加

4、be in love───在恋爱

5、olefin fibers───烯烃纤维

6、nine to five───朝九晚五

7、one on one───一对一

8、olefin fiber───烯烃纤维

9、tone in with───声调


one five

网络 一点零五分;

[例句]One Five Star shopping expert, Wang Bo, says he has been invited to a half-dozen customer weddings. '


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