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andashorttail中文意思(and a short tail中文翻译,and a short tail是什么意思,and a short tail发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

andashorttail中文意思(and a short tail中文翻译,and a short tail是什么意思,and a short tail发音、用法及例句)

and a short tail

and a short tail发音

英:  美:

and a short tail中文意思翻译



and a short tail双语使用场景

1、It was a kind of animal with long ears and a short tail.───那是一种长耳朵短尾巴的动物。

2、It was a kind/sort of animal with long ears and a short tail.───它是一种长着长耳朵和短尾巴的动物。

3、It has got big ears, small eyes, short legs and a short tail.───它有大耳朵,小眼睛,短短的腿和一个短尾巴。

4、A wild cat(Lynx rufus)of North America, having spotted reddish - brown fur, tufted ears, and a short tail.───红猫,北美大山猫北美洲野猫(北美大山猫),皮毛有红褐色斑点,有簇生眼,尾短

5、It has a pair of red eyes, mouth, and semi-circular a big and a short tail.───它有一双红红的眼睛,半圆形的嘴巴,还有一个又粗又短的尾巴。

6、Look ! A guinea pig is small. It has four legs and a short tail .───看!几内亚猪是小小的,它有四条腿和一个短尾巴。

7、Long ears and a short tail. Only eat vegetables, and would not eat. (play move things) rabbit.───耳朵长,尾巴短。只吃菜,不吃饭。(打一动物名)兔子。

8、I have got a dog. It's yellow. It's very fat. It's got two big black eyes and a short tail.───我有一只狗,它非常肥大,一身黄毛,两只大黑眼,一只短尾巴。

and a short tail相似词语短语

1、and a half───了不起的;而且比这多得多

2、face a shortage───面临短缺

3、in the short term───从短期来看;就眼前来说

4、take a shot at───射击;尝试去做

5、have a shot at───试着去做

6、have a short fuse───容易激动;脾气暴躁

7、ease a shortage───缓解短缺


And a short tail 全部释义和例句>>和一个短尾巴Tabo: Look! It has a long nose and a short tail.看!他有长长的鼻子和短短的尾巴。

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