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what did you中文翻译,what did you是什么意思,what did you发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

what did you中文翻译,what did you是什么意思,what did you发音、用法及例句

what did you

what did you发音

英:  美:

what did you中文意思翻译



what did you双语使用场景

1、Describe a time when you were part of a team but were not clear about your role. What did you do about it and what was the outcome?───当您是团队的其中一员,但是不明确自己的角色时,您是怎样做的,结果怎样?

2、you get in the mock?───你的模拟考试得了多少分?

3、V: I feel so free and yet strangely empty, now that Lavok is dead. . . What did you think of him, ?───我感觉如此轻松却又奇怪地空虚着,Lavok已经死了……你对他保持着什么看法呢?

4、Once or twice I heard her muttering, but when I said, "Sorry? What did you say?" she didn't respond.───有一两次我听见她在嘀嘀咕咕,但当我说“抱歉? 你说什么?”时,她没有回答。

5、Emma: The teacher asked me if I was the only child. Father: What did you say? Emma: I said yes -- then she said, Thank goodness!───老师问我是不是家里的独生女儿?父亲:你怎么说的?埃玛:我说是的-然后她说:谢天谢地!

6、The next time I saw him, he said a viewer of the telecast asked him, "What did you say your children had? "───我再看到他的时候,他说,一位电视观众问他。“你说你的孩子有什么?”

7、you bring the kids back from Italy?───你从意大利回来给孩子们带了什么?

8、Old Mr White did not stop. "But your stories were interesting, " he said to Tom Morris. "What did you begin to say about a monkey" s paw?───老怀特先生并没有停下,“你的故事很有趣,”他对汤姆·莫里斯说,“关于猴爪的事你想告诉我们什么?”

9、What did you say was the matter with him?───你说他怎么啦?

what did you相似词语短语

1、what is more───而且

2、what have you───等等;诸如此类

3、how dare you───你敢;胆子真大啊

4、what do you want───你想要什么;你想怎么样

5、what possessed you───什么迷住了你

6、not with you───不是和你在一起

7、what did you do with───你拿了什么

8、how are you───你好

9、what do you know───你知道什么


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