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flash floods中文翻译,flash floods是什么意思,flash floods发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

flash floods中文翻译,flash floods是什么意思,flash floods发音、用法及例句

1、flash floods

flash floods发音

英:  美:

flash floods中文意思翻译



n.山洪暴发( flash flood的名词复数 )

flash floods双语使用场景

1、Beware when camping on sandy river bottoms and areas susceptible to flash floods.───驻营还应留意在河床或附近可能会受到山洪暴发的影响.

2、Flash floods on Monday damaged 16 reservoirs and destroyed nearly four thousand homes.───星期一的山洪爆发冲垮了16座水库,毁坏近4千所住房.

3、Beware when camping on bottoms and areas susceptible to flash floods.───驻营还应留意在河床或四周可能会受到山洪暴发的影响.

4、Last week, a series of flash floods and mudslides struck the Serrana mountain region near Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil, destroying buildings roads and more.───上周,一系列的骤发洪水和泥流在巴西里约热内卢附近的塞拉纳山地区爆发,建筑、道路等被破坏。

5、Flash floods on the Portuguese Atlantic island of Madeira killed at least 42 people.───洪水在葡萄牙大西洋岛的马德拉杀死了至少42人。

6、A flood survivor sifts through his mud soaked belongings after flash floods hit Nowshera, Pakistan.───巴基斯坦的瑙仕拉市洪水过后,一名幸存者在筛选他满是泥浆的物件.

7、How do they survive flash floods and daily temperature swings of 25 degrees Celsius ( 40 degrees Fahrenheit )?───它们如何避过雨季的暴洪,以及每天达25℃温差?

8、The heavy downpours resulted in flash floods, trapping dozens of people.───倾盆大雨造成的洪灾使数十人被困.

9、Prone to heavy rains and flash floods, street and building runoff is directed into the zone.───遇有大雨和暴洪时, 街道和建筑的径流将直接导入公园区.

10、Hutuo, Ye River flooded fields cottage in the western mountain flash floods, mud - rock flow occurred between.───滹沱河、冶河沿岸洪水淹没良田村舍,西部山区山洪暴发, 间有泥石流发生.

11、Military helicopters shuttled into remote mountain valleys to ferry out traumatized survivors who fled their homes, abandoning all their possession in their haste to escape mudslides and flash floods.───军方直升机深入偏远的山谷,载运饱受创伤的幸存者。 这些人逃离自己的家园,在匆忙躲避泥石流和暴涨的洪水时抛下了所有身家。

12、The unusually heavy rain caused flash floods in several mountain villages.───这场异常的大暴雨使好几个山村受到了骤发洪水的袭击.

flash floods相似词语短语

1、flash lamps───[摄]闪光灯

2、first bloods───第一次流血;首战告捷

3、flash cards───闪存卡,闪示卡;快闪记忆卡

4、fish flours───食用鱼粉;溶剂脱脂鱼粉

5、cash flows───[会计]现金流量(cashflow的复数)

6、fast foods───方便食品

7、flash mobs───快闪族;快闪暴走族

8、ash flows───[地质]火山灰流;熔灰流

9、flash flood───山洪暴发;暴涨的洪水


**《变形金刚2:复仇之战》的结尾曲是一首名为“New Divide”的歌曲,由美国摇滚乐队林肯公园(Linkin Park)演唱。这首歌曲也被用作**的片尾曲,由林肯公园的主唱切斯特·贝宁顿(Chester Bennington)演唱。

“New Divide”是一首富有动感和节奏感的摇滚歌曲,歌曲节奏紧凑,旋律清晰,歌词表达了不屈不挠的精神和克服困难的决心。这首歌曲在**结尾的场景中播放,强调了变形金刚们的勇气和决心,以及人类与机器人之间的紧密联系和合作精神。

以下是“New Divide”歌曲的部分歌词:

I remembered black skies

The lightning all around me

I remembered each flash

As time began to blur

Like a startling sign

That fate had finally found me

And your voice was all I heard

That I get what I deserve

So give me reason

To prove me wrong

To wash this memory clean

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

Give me reason

To fill this hole

Connect the space between

Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies

Across this new divide

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