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bad guy是什么意思(bad guys中文翻译,bad guys是什么意思,bad guys发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

bad guy是什么意思(bad guys中文翻译,bad guys是什么意思,bad guys发音、用法及例句)

bad guys

bad guys发音

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bad guys中文意思翻译



bad guys双语使用场景

1、When the bad guys change their tactics, most of the computer security industry needs a year or two to catch up.───当坏人改变策略时,大部分计算机安全业者需要用一到两年时间才能跟上变化。

2、It symbolizes the bad guys kneeling on the nightside, good standing yang side, the bad guys in the dark, the good guys in the light of.───它象征着坏人跪在阴面,好人站在阳面,坏人在黑暗里,好人则在光明中。

3、The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys.───主人公结果射杀了所有的坏蛋。

4、In the end the "bad guys" are caught and sent to jail.───最后,“坏人”都被抓住并送进监牢。

5、Broadly disclosing the algorithms Google uses would probably aid the bad guys more than those trying to stop them, they say.───他们表示,大范围披露谷歌使用的算法,对犯罪分子的帮助,可能会比对那些试图阻止犯罪的人更大。

6、As long as he has good heart, to forgive him on the excuse, not to put him as the bad guys are.───只要他有向善的心,能原谅的就原谅他,不要把他看做是坏人。

7、They are very bad guys.───他们是很坏的人。

8、"Basically what we've discovered is a means of stopping cells taking up some of the bad guys, " he said.───“基本上我们已经发现的是停止服用一些坏人细胞的一种手段,”他说。

9、Deep your lips on the bad guys. Precious little good, I love you. To see this picture of the word?───深深的吻着你的嘴唇小坏蛋。小宝贝我好爱你。看见这张图片上的字了吗?

bad guys相似词语短语

1、fall guys───替罪羊;容易上当受骗的人

2、hand guns───手枪(handgun的名词复数)

3、bad eggs───坏蛋;不可信任的人

4、bad news───n.坏消息;令人讨厌的人;倒霉的事

5、bad guy───坏人

6、bad luck───运气不好,坏运气;噩运

7、bad raps───口碑差;无理指责

8、good guys───好家伙;好孩子

9、lazy guys───锤出吊货法;吊柱间绳索;吊杆稳索


the society表特指,翻译为:社会例句:These bad guys are the dregs of the society.这些坏蛋是社会的渣滓。

The man's lunatic behavior is a menace to society.那个人的疯狂行为构成对社会的威胁。society的用法:society的意思是“社会”,当把人看成属于有组织的大群体时,这些人就统称为社会。是不可数名词,前面不加冠词。在特指某一种社会时,可以用作可数名词。society作“社会团体,协会,社”解时是可数名词。作“社交界”解时是不可数名词。

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