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city center中文翻译,city center是什么意思,city center发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

city center中文翻译,city center是什么意思,city center发音、用法及例句

city center

city center发音

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city center中文意思翻译



city center双语使用场景

1、She walks to the end of the city center where she sees a dirt path that leads up a grassy hill.───她走到城市中心的尽头,在那里,她看到有一条土路通向一个长满草的小山丘。

2、We usually stroll everywhere in the city center, seeing our friends possibly.───我们经常在城中心到处逛,尽可能的见到我们的朋友.

3、The new hospital will be sited at the city center.───新医院将座落在市中心.

4、The Imperial is considerably closer to the city center than the Sate.───与赛特相比,帝国饭店离市中心很近.

5、In cities like Sydney the suburbs are far from the city center.───在像悉尼这样的城市,郊区离市中心很远.

6、Is that near the city center?───它离市中心近 吗 ?

7、There was an accident at the city center.───市中心的路上有车祸发生。

8、computes the city center.───计算城市中心。

9、The new school is located in Shunde city center location.───学校地处顺德新城区中心,地理位置优越.

10、Could you tell me the bus number to the city center?───请你告诉我进市中心的公共汽车几路?

11、The Germans are preparing another offensive in the city center.───德国人在准备对市中心发起另一轮攻击.

12、Langfang City , finance and trade schools located in the beautiful city center.───廊坊市财贸学校就坐落在这个美丽的城市中心.

13、Is there any bus service to the city center?───到市中心去有哪些公共汽车 呢 ?

14、Doesn't the city center bus stop use smart buses?───市中心公共汽车站不是使用智能公交 吗 ?

15、We shuttle the passenger to the city center by helicopter.───我们使用直升飞机往返不停地将旅客运送到市中心.

16、Could you recommend a hotel in the city center?───是否可建议一家位于市中心的旅馆?

17、There is a small cluster of older buildings in the city center.───在市中心有一小群古式建筑.

18、The Lanton is pretty easy to reach , but it isn't near the city center.───兰顿离路口很近, 但是却远离市中心.

city center相似词语短语

1、civic center───市中心;市府大厦

2、data center───[计]数据中心;资料中心

3、city centers───n.[建]市中心

4、cost center───成本中心

5、city centre───市中心

6、city centres───市中心

7、to center───到中心

8、call center───客户服务中心

9、live center───[机]活顶尖







中文拼音:shì zhōng xīn


缩写词分类:Academic & Science



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