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last months中文翻译,last months是什么意思,last months发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

last months中文翻译,last months是什么意思,last months发音、用法及例句

1、last months

last months发音

英:  美:

last months中文意思翻译



last months双语使用场景

1、He joined up in the last months of the war.───在战争最后几个月他参了军。

2、I don't know what effect it had on me, except that later, when he got ill, I was very glad to be able to share his last months.───我不确实这件事对我有什么影响,但当我在后来知道他生病时,我很高兴能够和他一起度过他最后的那几个月。

3、Schumacher now has a much more active role within the team compared to the last months. Did you relationship with him change?───和上个月相比Schumacher在车队扮演的角色更加活跃。你和他的关系有何改变吗?

4、His last months in office were marred by failing health.───由于健康恶化,他最后几个月的公职工作受到了影响。

5、In her last months of life, Mom told me she was writing something about cancer that she thought could help other people who were sick feel less alone.───在母亲生命的最后几个月中,她曾告诉我她正在写关于癌症的一些东西,她希望以此帮助其他病人,让他们觉得没那么孤独。

6、In the last months of his presidency, Mr Chirac mused publicly that it might not be so dangerous after all if Iran acquired a nuclear bomb.───在卸任前几个月,希拉克就曾对公众意味深长地说,如果伊朗拥有了原子弹,也许并没有那么危险。

7、After some of the safest companies were shut out of the market in the last months of 2008, debt issuance this year has soared.───2008年最后几个月,一些最安全的公司也被挡在市场之外,在此之后,今年债券发行大幅飙升。

8、As people begin to suspect that a military stalemate may last months, some are worrying that the self-appointed council may entrench itself with no accountability.───正当人们开始怀疑军事僵持会持续数月时,一些人担心自己任命的委员会会巩固自身、不负任何责任。

9、There is no basis for such a conclusion in the events of the last months.───从最近几个月发生的事件看,还不能这么认为。

last months相似词语短语

1、plastic moneys───信用卡

2、last minutes───最后一刻;紧急关头

3、lappet moths───斑蛾

4、lunar months───[天]太阴月;[天]朔望月

5、plastic monies───塑料货币

6、last honours───最后的荣誉

7、last posts───n.夜间点名;军人葬礼号;最后发表

8、solar months───[天]太阳月(一年的十二分之一)

9、ghost moths───幽灵蛾


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months的音标是 [m_nθs] ,是month的月份的复数,句中作为名词使用。

英式读法: [m_nθ]美式读法: [m_nθ] 名词指:月,一个月的时间。短语:1、3th month 三月。2、2nd month 二月。3,10th month 十月。4、5th month 五月。5、last month 上个月 ; 上月 ; 上一个月 ; 在上个月。



一、day英 [de_] 美 [de] n. 一天;时期;白昼adv. 每天;经常在白天地adj. 日间的;逐日的n. (Day)人名;(英、法、西)戴;(越)岱;(阿拉伯、土)达伊

1、And it has snowed almost every day for the past week.而且过去的一周几乎每天都在下雪。

2、She gives herself one day a week off, on Thursdays.她每周放自己一天假,在星期四。

二、year英 [j__; j__] 美 [j_r; yir] n. 年;年度;历年;年纪;一年的期间;某年级的学生

1、The year was 1840.那是1840年。

2、We had an election last year.我们去年进行了一次选举。

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