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狗熊英语(black bear中文翻译,black bear是什么意思,black bear发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

狗熊英语(black bear中文翻译,black bear是什么意思,black bear发音、用法及例句)

black bear

black bear发音

英:  美:

black bear中文意思翻译




black bear双语使用场景

1、A big black bear bit the back of a big black pig.───一只大黑熊在一头大黑猪的背上咬了一口.

2、The black bear , the serow and 87 species of birds can be found in this forest.───白神山地的森林中还生活着黑熊、鬣羚和87种鸟类.

3、black bear cub peers from a Cottonwood tree after being scared up there by a visitor to the Whitewater Canyon nature preserve near Palm Springs, California.───加利福尼亚棕榈泉附近的白水大峡谷自然保护区里面,一头年幼的黑熊被游人吓到后从一颗三角叶杨后面窥视。

4、Sorry, sorry black bear stops smiling finally and runs with children on his back.───对不起, 对不起!狗熊马终于不笑了,驮着小朋友咯噔咯噔跑起来.

5、black bear population has been growing across much of the U.S., leading to a spike in human-bear encounters not just in Colorado but also along the Eastern seaboard.───在美国大部分地区,黑熊的数量一直在增长,导致人熊之间的冲突急剧增加,不仅在科罗拉多州,还包括东海岸一带。

6、A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear.───一只大黑臭虫在一只大黑熊的背上咬了一口.

7、There is a black bear.───有一只黑熊。

8、Bear, black bear, bear, bear, panda, dog.───熊, 狗熊,黑熊, 棕熊, 北极熊, 熊猫,狗, 猫,小.

9、It is a black bear.───这是一头黑熊.

10、Little cookie and the big black bear play together.───小饼干和大狗熊一起玩儿了起来.

11、The big black pig bit back the big black bear.───大黑猪回过头来咬大黑熊.

12、Full of children on his back , the black bear laughs convulsively.───狗熊马驮满了小朋友, 咯咯笑得浑身抖.

13、After a while a little black bear is coming he is very strong.───小黑熊来了,他的个头真大,胳膊好粗好粗的.

14、What ? How come a black bear?───啊 ?怎么会是黑熊 啊 ?

15、Black bear clubs are born in the winter, but emerge from their dens in the springtime.───黑熊幼崽出身在冬季, 却要等到来年春天才会生出牙齿.

16、We saw a black bear at the zoo.───我们在动物园看到一只黑熊.

17、The black bear lies up during the day in caves or amongest rocks.───那只黑熊白天躲在山洞里或藏在岩石间.

18、A big black bear sat on a big black bug.───一只大黑熊坐在一只大黑臭虫上.

black bear相似词语短语

1、black heat───黑热

2、black bag───黑暗之袋(非法秘密搜查)

3、black belt───黑带;黑人聚居区

4、black bears───黑熊(blackbear的复数)

5、black bean───豆鼓,黑大豆

6、black bread───黑面包

7、black beard───n.海盗黑胡子;黑海盗(**名)

8、black bream───黄鳍鲷

9、black beans───黑豆;豆鼓





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