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playing my game(playing games中文翻译,playing games是什么意思,playing games发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

playing my game(playing games中文翻译,playing games是什么意思,playing games发音、用法及例句)

playing games

playing games发音

英:  美:

playing games中文意思翻译



playing games双语使用场景

1、If I'm at home and I feel like playing games but it's down for maintenance, suddenly it's like I have nothing to do.───如果我在家里面,然后想要玩游戏,但是(电脑)坏了正在修,忽然之间就像我没事可做了。

2、Oh, they're playing games.───噢,他们在玩游戏。

3、playing games?───玩游戏怎么样?

4、'I can never forget about football but it's a bit strange to see my colleagues training and playing games.───我永远不会忘记足球的,但是只能看我的伙伴训练和比赛让我不爽。

5、I'm not playing games.───我不是在玩游戏。

6、Of course, supervision will always be important for parents to keep track of just how much time kids are playing games.───当然,非常重要的前提是父母能控制孩子们玩游戏的时间。

7、If it fails, traditionalists will no doubt scoff at the idea that teaching through playing games was ever seriously entertained.───如果他们失败了,那些传统保守的人们肯定会就此嘲弄一番“还真有人把游戏教学当回事儿了”。

8、SO when you pay a visit to a kindergarten you'll probably find the children are listening to stories, singing songs or playing games.───当你去参观一所幼儿园的时候。很有可能你会看见孩子们在听故事,唱歌或者做游戏。

9、Lose money playing games, video game room to ask the boss to no avail in the case, Pingmou even spilled gasoline ignited in his head.───打游戏输钱,在向电玩室老板索要无果的情况下,冯某竟然将汽油泼洒在自己的头上点燃。

playing games相似词语短语

1、playing career───职业生涯

2、rhyming games───押韵游戏

3、role-playing games───角色扮演游戏

4、long games───长时间比赛;持久战

5、playing card───纸牌;扑克牌

6、playing back───重放…录音;把球打回对方

7、playing at───..游戏;敷衍

8、playing cards───打牌;扑克牌;玩扑克牌;纸牌类

9、play games───玩游戏;捣鬼;敷衍搪塞

playing games是什么意思?




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