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just look up中文翻译,just look up是什么意思,just look up发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

just look up中文翻译,just look up是什么意思,just look up发音、用法及例句

just look up

just look up发音

英:  美:

just look up中文意思翻译



just look up双语使用场景

1、Similar concepts to the UK's Open University exist around the world. Just look up "open university" on the Internet.───类似英国开放大学这样的办学思想在全世界都普遍存在,你只要在因特网上搜索“开放大学”即可。

2、Just look up the word "handsome" in the dictionary.───到辞典里查“英俊”这个辞就行了

3、' Just look up, smile and say, 'You have such an interesting list. It'll take me a few minutes to decide.───这时候,你应该抬起头来,微笑着回答:“这份酒单很有意思,我看几分钟后再做决定。”

4、I just look up at the stars and let the vastness of that black and twinkling canopy fill my soul.───我只是仰望繁星,黝黑而闪烁的苍穹,让你那深邃博大充满我的灵魂!

5、sudden, I just look up and saw a red light on and we knew we won.───突然,我抬头看到红灯亮时,我才意识到我们赢了。

6、I'll just look up the train times.───我就查一下列车时间。

7、You are also up to it? Just look up.───你也会?你倒是往上看啊。

8、Oh, you don't need a picture. Just look up the word 'handsome' in the dictionary.───哦,不用了,只要到辞典里查“英俊”这个词就可以了。

just look up相似词语短语

1、look up───仰望;查阅;尊敬;拜访;改善

2、to cook up───烹调

3、shook up───摇匀;重组;震动

4、just about───几乎,差不多

5、to hook up───连接

6、stock up───备货

7、to book up───预订

8、to look up───向上看

9、not look at───不要看


look up 英[luk ʌp] 美[lʊk ʌp]

[词典] 查找; 向上看; 改善; 拜访(某人);

[例句]I looked your address up in the personnel file


查找seek; res.;

改善 improve; better; ameliorate; polish up;

拜访 visit; pay a visit; call to pay respects; call on; be on a visit;

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