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iron will中文翻译,iron will是什么意思,iron will发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

iron will中文翻译,iron will是什么意思,iron will发音、用法及例句

iron will

iron will发音

英:  美:

iron will中文意思翻译



iron will双语使用场景

1、I suppoes gymnasts require iron will and unswerving spirit.───我想,体操运动员要求有钢铁般的意南和百折不挠的精神.

2、Iron Will > 1 point bonus to your Willpower attribute per skill level.───钢铁意志》每技能等级增加1点意志属性加成.

3、It takes an iron will to be contrarian at such times.───经济繁荣,银行拥有健康利润.

4、There is an iron will underlying that soft and fluffy facade.───在那柔弱的外表下有着钢铁般的意志.

5、Thanks to her inexhaustible patience and iron will, she had obtained stronger concentrations of the radium.───幸亏她有无穷无尽的耐心和铁一般的意志, 她才得到了浓缩度较大的镭.

6、Gymnasts need iron will and unswerving spirit.───体操运动员需要钢铁般的意志和百折不挠的精神.

7、For example, with the exception of iron will rust after reaction.───例如除完铁锈还会跟铁反应.

8、Mr Black was a man of cast iron will.───布莱克先生是个意志坚定的人.

9、Iron Will ( Level 8 ) - When severely injured, you regenerate health.───钢铁意志 ( 要求等级8级 ) 当受重伤时, 你可以回复生命.

10、A coarser grade of iron will lower the yield of ferrocene.───粗粒的铁将降低二茂铁的产量.

11、Iron will melt when it is made very hot.───当铁烧得很热时就会熔化的.

12、They challenged the extreme of life and brought huge confidence and iron will to those caring for them.───他们向生命的极限挑战,带给所有关心他们的人以坚强信心与顽强意志。

13、Exposed iron will gradually rust away to powder.───放在露天的铁会逐渐锈成粉末。

14、I suppose gymnasts require iron will and unswerving spirts.───我想,体操运动员要求有钢铁般的意志和百折不挠的精神.

15、Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will.───拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志.

16、She'll need an iron will in order to succeed.───她若想成功,需要有很强的意志力.

17、Iron Will ( level 8 ) - When severely in injured, you regenerate health.───钢铁意志 ( 要求等级8级 ) 当受重伤时, 可以回复生命.

18、Our monitor is a man of iron will who gets up at 5 o'clock every morning to read English aloud.───我们的班长是一个意志坚强的人,他每天早上五点起床早读英语。

iron will相似词语短语

1、to will───致威尔

2、good will───善意;信誉

3、free will───自由意志;自愿地

4、iron mold───锈痕;金属型

5、ill will───恶意;憎恶

6、run wild───失去控制;变得荒芜

7、iron wills───钢铁意志,毅力

8、iron grille───铁格栅

9、iron fist───铁拳

求一部**字幕,中文名《决战冰河》,英文名《iron will》.




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