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make a mess(made a mess中文翻译,made a mess是什么意思,made a mess发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

make a mess(made a mess中文翻译,made a mess是什么意思,made a mess发音、用法及例句)

made a mess

made a mess发音

英:  美:

made a mess中文意思翻译



made a mess双语使用场景

1、Apparently he made a mess of his audition.───显然他把试演搞得一团糟。

2、The kids made a mess in the bathroom.───孩子们把浴室搞得一塌糊涂。

3、I've made a mess trying to figure all this out, but.───为了弄清这一切我给大家都添乱了但是。

4、He made a mess of his essay, and received very low marks.───他把文章写得很糟,得了很低的分数。

5、You've made a mess of the matter.───你把事情弄糟了。

6、NOTHING in Shinzo Abe's occupation of the Japanese prime minister'soffice became him like the leaving of it: he made a mess of that too.───日本首相府第中安培晋三的办公室里没有任何东西和他的离去相象,因为他把那里搞得太糟糕了。

7、Stark arrived and made a mess of things by booking Pepe with a red card when it should have been yellow at worst.───斯塔克做到了,他在将佩佩罚出场后将一切弄得一团糟,而那本身只应该是一张黄牌。

8、I feel I've made a mess of things.───我觉得我把事情搞糟了。

9、John breezed through his English and history, but he made a mess of the math exam.───很轻易地通过了英语和历史,但数学却一团糟。

made a mess相似词语短语

1、have a moan───呻吟

2、idea men───n.创意丰富的人;谋士

3、gooey mess───粘糊糊的

4、bide a wee───必须等一下

5、make a meal of───吃

6、make a meal on───吃顿饭

7、made after───v.追随;追逐;跟随

8、made to measure───定做的(衣服、鞋子等)

9、make a move───走一步;开始行动;搬家

the house had been made a mess of (by them )。by them省略后总感觉最后以介词?


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