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产品线 英文(product line中文翻译,product line是什么意思,product line发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

产品线 英文(product line中文翻译,product line是什么意思,product line发音、用法及例句)

product line

product line发音

英:  美:

product line中文意思翻译



product line双语使用场景

1、Self - testing equipment rising status of the industry, an increasingly rich product line.───自产检验仪器的行业地位不断上升, 产品线日益丰富.

2、The company mainly produces chemical equipment - centrifuges, grinder, mixer, dryer product line.───公司主要生产化工设备 - 离心机, 粉碎机, 混合机, 干燥机系列产品.

3、The factory is all set to produce the new product line.───工厂都已准备好了,可以开始生产新的产品线.

4、Fully accountable for the cost of all products of the product line.───全面负责的费用,所有产品的生产线.

5、Product line includes die cutting and embossing equipment, and specialized delivery systems.───产品线包括模切和压花设备, 以及专门的运载系统.

6、For Best Results You Should Stick to One Product Line.───为了达到最佳效果,你应坚持使用同一系列的产品.

7、Fourth, weeds bring forthnew, rich and - sized enterprise finance service characteristic product line.───四是推陈出新, 丰富中小企业金融业务特色产品系列.

8、Polishing machine is the primary part of glassware's product line.───冷爆口机是吹制玻璃器皿加工生产线的主要组成部分.

9、The company recently slimmed its product line.───公司最近压缩了产品线。

10、Their product line included Way Way , Builder Builder, Light Show, and Musician.───他们的产品包括探索者、塑造家 、 灯光秀和音乐人.

11、Pioneering Plus a Broad Product Line Strategy: Higher Profits or Deeper Losses?───创业加丰富产品线策略: 更高利润还是更大损失?

12、Rejuvenate Worldwide will also be expanding their product line continuously.───振兴全球也将不断扩大产品线.

13、Almost every product line is unprofitable.───几乎每一个产品线都是亏损的。

14、High level inventory analysis related to product line level performance.───负责关系到生产线运作水平的高级存货清单分析.

15、Simplify your PC product line.───简化电脑产品线。

16、A bit additional, the issue that product line selects.───另外一点, 产品线选择的问题.

17、We are exhibiting several addition to our product line.───我们正在展览生产线上增加的几种新产品.

18、The company recently slimmed its product line.───该公司最近缩减了生产线。

product line相似词语短语

1、product range───产品范围;产品系列;产品类别


3、product lines───产品线;生产线

4、production line───生产线

5、credit line───信用额度;新闻的出处以及来源

6、product ranges───产品范围;产品系列;产品类别

7、production lines───[工经]生产线


9、front line───前线;第一线;锋面线


汽车产品线(product line)是指产品组合中的某一产品大类,是一组密切相关或相似的 品,也就是平常所说的车型系列。

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