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热带雨林的英文(rain forest中文翻译,rain forest是什么意思,rain forest发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

热带雨林的英文(rain forest中文翻译,rain forest是什么意思,rain forest发音、用法及例句)

rain forest

rain forest发音

英:  美:

rain forest中文意思翻译



rain forest双语使用场景

1、It is found mainly in rain forest.───多出没与雨林地带.

2、The government must take steps to protect the rain forest.───政府必须采取措施保护雨林。

3、The mysterious Amazon Rain Forest holds many healing secrets.───神秘的亚马逊雨林拥有许多愈合秘密.

4、I am the master of this rain forest.───我可是这片雨林的主人.

5、Baby white - faced capuchin monkeys play in a Costa Rican rain forest.───热带雨林野生动物图片画廊.白脸婴儿僧帽猴玩耍在哥斯达尼加雨林.

6、Brazil's dilemma: Allow widespread - and profitable - destruction of the rain forest to continue, or intensify conservation efforts.───巴西的两难选择: 允许广泛的和有利可图的毁灭热带雨林继续下去, 或加强保护工作.

7、Costa Rican Rain Forest, Season 1 Episode 3.───哥斯达黎加雨林,第一季第3集。

8、The island is covered with red soil and dense tropical rain forest.───岛上布满了红色的土壤和茂密的热带雨林.

9、Scenic drives also wind through the Ka'u Desert and a rain forest.───而考量风景的车辆也在卡拉库姆沙漠和雨林中蜿蜒前行.

10、The bullhorn acacia is not a tree of the dark windless depths of the tropical rain - forest.───牛角相思树不喜欢在阴暗不透风茂密的热带林区中生长.

11、Tropical Rain Forest , Elephant Forest.───还有热带雨林 、 象馆.

12、The tangled, overripe Queensland rain forest becomes a mirror of their states of mind.───纷乱衰落的昆士兰雨林折射着他们的心境.

13、The rain forest was literally steaming.───热带雨林简直就是蒸汽房.

14、These rude tribesmen live in the rain forest.───这些未开化的部落人生活在雨林之中.

15、Hello ! Organic substances recently discovered in the depths of rain forest?───哈罗,最近才在雨林发现的有机物质?

16、Rain forest areas surrounding secondary vegetation and around bamboo thickets.───雨林周边地区次生植被和周围竹灌木丛.

17、At the current rate of decline, many of the rain forest animals could become extinct in less than 10 years.───按照目前的下降速度,许多雨林动物不到十年就会绝种。

18、The current growing tropical rain forest deforestation reclamation, people of all countries has caused great concern.───当前滥伐滥垦热带雨林愈演愈烈,已引起各国人民极大关注.

rain forest相似词语短语

1、pine forest───松林

2、virgin forest───[林]原始森林


4、elfin forest───矮林;高山矮曲林

5、elfin forests───矮林;高山矮曲林


7、fringing forest───边缘林,河边林

8、virgin forests───[林]原始森林

9、rain forests───雨林,热带雨林

the amazon rainforest课文概括?

课文概括:亚马逊热带雨林,Amazon Rain Forest 位于南美洲的亚马逊盆地,占地700万平方公里。


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