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general hospital中文翻译,general hospital是什么意思,general hospital发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

general hospital中文翻译,general hospital是什么意思,general hospital发音、用法及例句

general hospital

general hospital发音

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general hospital中文意思翻译



general hospital双语使用场景

1、This paper is to study the applicability of the air disinfection equipment in general hospital.───目的:为研究探索综合性医院空气消毒设备的科学性和适用性.

2、Objective : To reveal the idea of research and development of traditional Chinese medicine in general hospital.───目的: 揭示综合性医院从事中药研究和开发的思路.

3、Thi is San Francisco general hospital.───这里是SanFrancisco总医院.

4、The committee passed a resolution to build a general hospital.───委员会通过了兴建综合医院的决议案.

5、At the Zainul Abidin General Hospital, at least half of the staff have been directly affected by the tsunami.───在冉诺•阿比丁总医院,至少有半数工作人员直接受到海啸的冲击。

6、He woke up five days later in Mansfield General Hospital.───五天以后,他在曼斯菲尔德综合医院醒来.

7、It is a system that would lend itself to district general hospital of any size.───这是一种适合任何规模较大的地区性综合医院体系.

8、John Wheeler from General Hospital.───约翰惠勒,《总医院》.

9、The picture shows the Angola Luanda General Hospital.───图为中国援建的安哥拉罗安达总医院.

10、There's a general hospital in the area . When did she leave hospital?───你们一年有多少节假日? 他们上星期度假去了.

11、My stomach problem can be treated at a general hospital!───我的胃病在综合医院里可以医.

12、The research from Southampton General Hospital is published in the Lancet.───这份出自南安普敦综合医院的研究,发表在《刺胳针》期刊上.

13、Hospitals and medical freshman Army General Hospital can be.───如果是搭桥,去陆军总院. 做支架去省医院!

14、Results: the general hospital satisfaction rate was continually increasing and harmonious hospital patient relationship be built.───结果: 患者对医院综合满意度不断提高、医患关系得到了和谐的发展.

15、Freshman medical or hospital, the hospital, Army General Hospital such a great hospital and reliable technology.───还是医大一院 、 二院, 陆军总院这样的大医院技术可靠.

16、I thought this was the right bus to the General Hospital.───乘客:我还以为这辆车能到综合医院呢.

17、Massachusetts General Hospital is already sequencing 130 genes from patient tumor samples, looking for mutations that might predict which drugs will work best.───马萨诸塞州总医院130名病人已经测序肿瘤样本基因,突变,可以预测哪些药物会最好看的。

18、Physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital are experimenting with innovative approaches to care for their most ill patients without necessarily sending them to the doctor.───马萨诸塞州总医院现在正在试验用创新方法护理大多数病人,而不一定把他们送去看医生。

general hospital相似词语短语

1、mental hospital───精神病院

2、mental hospitals───精神病院

3、general holiday───公休

4、animal hospital───动物医院

5、generous hospitality───盛情款待

6、general costs───一般成本;一般费用

7、naval hospital───海军医院

8、general hospitals───总医院;综合医院

9、cancer hospital───癌症医院



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