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showing up中文翻译,showing up是什么意思,showing up发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

showing up中文翻译,showing up是什么意思,showing up发音、用法及例句

showing up

showing up发音

英:  美:

showing up中文意思翻译



showing up双语使用场景

1、Please understand that all posts must be approved by a member of the forum moderation team before showing up in the forums.───请注意所有新贴都需要经过一个论坛管理小组的成员批准才能显示在论坛上。

2、The present is just a cute doll laughing with her two big incisors showing up in the air.───礼物是一个可爱的玩具娃娃,两颗门牙暴露在空气里特显眼。

3、After calling the police, and a cop showing up at the door, he took her side because she said it was "discipline" .───我打电话报警,警察来到我家,坚定地站在她那一边,因为她说这是家教的一部分。

4、we detected melting, decomposition components of sucrose started showing up," she said.───我们检定到融化时,蔗糖的分解成分开始显示,”她说。

5、While similar technology is being used in digital signage, it's still years away from showing up in consumer TVs.───即使相似的技术已经运用于数字播放系统,但是要在普通消费者的电视上普及还需要一定的时间。

6、These guys never played as a team. This was a group of men showing up to work everyday.───这帮家伙打的根本不是团队篮球,这是一群每天为工作而工作的家伙。

7、You're not allowed the luxury of showing up just before the staff meeting.───你不可以在会议前才华丽出场。

8、The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality traits showing up early in childhood.───这项研究发现一些酗酒者早在孩童时就表现出明显的个性特征。

9、Fewer Indians and Coloureds have been showing up to vote, indicating that many have not found a political home.───更少数的印第安人与有色人种已在参与投票,但表明他们的许多人未找到其政治归属。

showing up相似词语短语

1、blowing up───发泡;起泡

2、growing up───n.小毕的故事(**名,等于成长岁月)

3、throwing up───呕吐;抛起;匆匆建造;放弃

4、shooting up───射出;发芽;暴涨;迅速成长

5、glowing up───发光的

6、shoring up───支持,支撑;加固

7、choking up───混合气加浓

8、chewing up───嚼碎;毁坏;消耗

9、slowing up───(使)慢下来


哇 一个人来到观音庙 准备求观音 看见观音菩萨也在对自己的头像在拜 这人奇怪地问道 为何你要求自己 观音答 求人不如求己!

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