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new game中文翻译,new game是什么意思,new game发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

new game中文翻译,new game是什么意思,new game发音、用法及例句

new game

new game发音

英:  美:

new game中文意思翻译




new game双语使用场景

1、New Game Mechanics including Feron Bloodthirst, a faction based armory, and more.───加入了包括费伦嗜血者在内的一系列新机械.

2、This is a new game new season.───这是一场新赛季的新角逐.

3、I'm going to show you a new game.───我将给你们介绍一种新游戏.

4、So let's have a at the artwork trailer of this new game.───下面贴出来的将是该款新游戏的美工预告片.

5、He can always invent a new game to divert the children.───他总能想出新的游戏来供孩子们娱乐.

6、GameSpy: You've unveiled three tile sets for the new game : tundra , redrock, and swamp.───你已经展示了三种地形, 冻土, 火星地表, 沼泽.

7、He can always invent a new game to divert the children with it.───他总能搬出新玩意儿来娱悦孩子.

8、So, I try to raise my level to meet the demand of this new game.───所以我尝试提高我的水准去适应这新比赛的要求.

9、Obvious examples are the awesome graphics usually present in major new game engines.───最明显的例子就是新游戏引擎带来的卓越的画面表现.

10、A new game for Mac computers will be released in February.───一款麦金塔电脑上的新游戏将在二月份发行.

11、How to install new game packs?───怎么安装新游戏包?

12、Your new game it's so cool!───你的新游戏真的好棒啊!

13、How was the problem with the new game solved?───新游戏的问题是如何解决的?

14、Through bombing and advanced mode, you can find more new game changes.───通过轰炸和高级模式, 你可发现游戏里更多新的变化.

15、a whole new game for fed-watchers.───美联储观察人士来说,全新的工作又来临了。

16、He invented a new game, but it never really caught on.───他发明了一种新的游戏,但从未真正流行起来。

17、The children were bursting to play the new game.───孩子们急着要玩这个新游戏.

new game相似词语短语

1、panel game───小组猜谜

2、new faces───新面孔

3、bowl game───玩保龄球

4、new waves───新浪潮(五十年代源于法国的**流派);新浪潮音乐(七十年代后期的摇滚音乐)

5、new home───新家园;新房;新居;新家

6、new wave───新浪潮(五十年代源于法国的**流派);新浪潮音乐(七十年代后期的摇滚音乐)

7、panel games───小组猜谜

8、open game───开放竞赛,公开赛;[数]开型博弈

9、new face───新面孔







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